Be Brave Be Like Ukraine


I take my chance to place this in my profile:
Since February 2014, Ukraine has been suffering from Russia's armed invasion and attempted occupation.
Over 14,000 civilians killed between 2014-Feb/2022.
Over 28,000 killed after the full-scale invasion on Feb/2022.
Around 6.9 million refugees fleeing Ukraine have been recorded across Europe.
Another 8 million internally displaced since then.

For a very succinct timeline of Muscovy's invasion to Ukraine, check Countering Russia's Aggression in Ukraine, a resource created by the Bureau of Conflict & Stabilization Operations and endorsed by Kurt D Volker, the U.S. Department of State's Special Representative for Ukraine.

Invading Ukraine, however, is not the final goal for Russian "hybrid war". Their officials said numerous times: they do not fight against Ukraine, they fight against NATO. Ukraine is just "lucky" to be on their way. On their way to you.
Read again: The final goal is you. Your house, your land, your history, your language, your freedom. If we, the Ukrainians, fail to stop the Russian tanks on our soil, someone else (read: you) would have to stop them in Poland, Finland, Baltic states, and finally, on your backyard.

While there is no doubt that your country's army can stop the Russian ground invasion to your land, think if you want to see a burning Russian tank on the lawn in front of your home. Or think whether you want to become a "collateral victim" when a KGB terrorist assassinates someone using weapons of mass destruction in the center of your city.

Don't worry, the UN will express its "deep concern" about the loss of you.
And even our once-beloved Stack Exchange network would find nothing better than say, "well, okay, your death is a pity, but it's not a reason to ban the service on Russia".

Your future depends on your actions NOW.

Would you wait for russians come? Or would you act now?

  • by calling your Senator to push the terms of Lend Lease?
  • by donating to Ukrainian volunteers?
  • or, well, by stopping watching Russian propaganda?

The world has to stay together to stop Russian invasion in Europe as well as the Russian-equipped, Russian-trained, Russian-financed, and Russian-inspired terrorism all over the world.

Please Support Ukraine.


Bavovnyatko is a ghost animal. Fluffy and restless.
At night, Bavovnyatko quietly comes to the occupiers’ bases, depots, airfields, oil refineries and other places full of flammable items and starts playing with fire there (source)