

My name is Tamás Gál, I am an astroparticle physicist and working at Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP). I currently develop online monitoring and live reconstruction algorithms for the KM3NeT neutrino telescopes and maintain the IT services of KM3NeT and ECAP. My DevOps engineering skills include Docker (+Swarm), GitLab CI/CD, Jenkins, Xen, OpenVZ, Ansible and more than two decades of experience with Linux and BSD as system administrator.

I spend most of my time with science (astroparticle physics), coding (Julia, Python, …) and electronics (both analog/digital); the rest preferably off the road with one of my motorbikes. I have an obsession to repair things and keep them alive as long as possible, no matter if it requires a gearbox restoration of my BMW R1100 GS or replacing a dead 0201 SMD capacitor on a MacBook logicboard. Furthermore, I love making music and spend a lot of time on my DIY modular synthesizer.
