Jeferson Tenorio


Strategic and technical performance in several areas and market segments; Large experience in software architecture, development, cloud computing, horizontal and vertical scalability, parallelism, real-time app, data replication, high availability; Experience in migration of systems and databases, mergers, acquisitions, team leadership and project coordination; Excellent understanding of enterprise applications architecture, especially for web based projects. Self-taught with the ability to work in different platform and technologies, implementation and support in production for large IT projects.

• Technologies: C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, JAVA, PHP, Json, Nodejs; AngularJS, VueJS, jQuery, Ionic, Xamarin, WebAPI/WCF (Rest/Soap), SPA; Elmah, Entity Framework, Dapper, FluentValidation, Json.NET, JWT, OAuth, AutoMapper, NLog, Razor; Parallelism (MapReduce), Thread, Reflection, CodeDom, Fluent style codding, Linq; Docker Containerization, Windows Azure, Amazon Web Services, Cluster;

• Knowledges: System Architecture, Object Orientation, SOLID, TDD, DDD, Async; Threads, SOA, IOC, IOW, Repository; UML, Requirements Gathering, Use Case, Case Diagram, Sequence Diagram; PMI, Cobit, ITIL, SWOT, BSC, SEO, Semantic WEB, Agile, Scrum; Code Review, Thread Safety, Performance, Security; WINDOW, BASH/LINUX (ubuntu/centos/etc), Android, frontend and backend development, DevOps;

• Tools: GIT, TFS (continuous and deployment integration, workflow process); IIS, NGINX, Apache, WCF, Restify, ExpressJS, Nodejs; ERP, CRM, BI, SalesForce, Sharepoint, BizTalk; SonarQube, Nexus, NuGet, Jenkins; Microsoft Test Manager, Test Automation, Unit Test; Visual Studio, Eclipse, Android Studio, Atom, Visio, MS Project, Rational Rose;

• Databases: SQL SERVER (Integration Services, Analysis Services, Reporting Services), ORACLE, MySQL, Postgre, SQLite; MongoDB, ElasticSearch, Solr, Couchbase, CouchDB, Redis, Cassandra, DynamoDB, PouchDB, RavenDB, BrightstarDB;