

Entrepreneur, startup-er. Passionate full-stack software developer with 12+ years of experience. Great problem solving skills. Linux and open-source enthusiast.

Programming languages & technologies:

▪ C# .NET Framework, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Mono (advanced MSBuild usage, NuGet packaging, EF Core, Dapper, xUnit, NUnit) ▪ WinFrom, WPF, Blazor ▪ Docker / Docker Compose / Kubernetes / Helm ▪ Revit API (C#) ▪ HTML5 / CSS3 (Flexbox, Bootstrap 3/4, Semantic UI, TailwindCSS) ▪ TypeScript ▪ JavaScript vanilla, ES6 + Underscore, jQuery, Mocha, Should.js ▪ Three.js ▪ Gulp, Parcel, Webpack ▪ PHP OOP (PHPUnit, Yii2/AcriveForm/ActiveRecord, Slim API, Twig, Symfony) WordPress, vTiger CRM + its forks ▪ Azure DevOps / AppVeyor / Travis CI / Azure DevOps / TeamCity / BitBucket pipelines ▪ Bash / PowerShell / Make (Makefile) / Windows Batch ▪ Azure, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, Kinsta ▪ SQL, NewSQL, NoSQL databases ▪ Linux administration (strong Debian / Ubuntu skills) / Apache / NGINX / UFW / Fail2ban etc ▪ basic Java and Kotlin ▪ Jira, Redline, Trello ▪ Basic C and ASM (16-32 bit processors and Arduino-like boards)