

Well i got my degree in computer science in 2003, did a few jobs that i didnt like and left for construction! now because of the recession im unemployed but find work every few month to keep me going. im currently trying to finish a web site that i hope to make money on and then i can concentrate on more programming :) i consider my self to be a not confident programmer but my overall computer ability must be 5 stars as with in reason i believe i could do anything in the computer world as long as im sat here at home! i wont work in the computer environments as im to scared, and my dream is one day some one will hold my hand and drag me into a good job working with computers lol

Ha Ha just laughing at the above as i wrote it 5 years ago, i ended up in an IT job and didnt write another bit of code since as it was a network role. have left due to stress and now trying to write an android app.