Questions tagged [zookeeper]

48 questions
0 answers

What are the risks in running single Zookeeper instance in production?

I'm considering using Zookeeper to manage shared configuration across multiple services that live on a single application server. Usage would be very low volume, mostly reads. My production system uses 2 VMs: one application server and one…
0 answers

kafka + Leader none + and kafka broker id not signed in zookeeper

we have 3 Kafka brokers on Linux RHEL 7.6 ( 3 linux machines ) kafka version is 2.7.X brokers ID's are - 1010,1011,1012 from kafka described we can see the following Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 0 Leader: none Replicas:…
King David
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1 answer

How set a fixed private IP for ECS containers?

I have a Task Definition called kafka-zookeeper, it has an Apache Kafka broker and a Zookeeper node in it. Those containers need to communicate with each other (that's easy) and with the kafka and zookeeper containers from other kafka-zookeeper…
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