Questions tagged [zend-framework]

Zend Framework (ZF) is an open source, object-oriented web application framework implemented in PHP 5.

Zend Framework features include:

  • All components are fully object-oriented PHP 5 and are E_STRICT compliant
  • Use-at-will architecture with loosely coupled components and minimal interdependencies
  • Extensible MVC implementation supporting layouts and PHP-based templates by default
  • Support for multiple database systems and vendors, including MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Informix Dynamic Server
  • Email composition and delivery, retrieval via mbox, Maildir, POP3 and IMAP4
  • Flexible caching sub-system with support for many types of backends, such as memory or a file system.

Source: wikipedia

72 questions
0 answers

Zend autoloader not working from PHP config

Is the PHP config file (php.ini) supposed to have something in it that will enable Zend Autoloader support? Cause I am using it in my application and on one server and it's not working (it says it can't find the file in require_once()) and on…
Eduard Luca
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2 answers

http://localhost does not work, works

Iam running Zend with Apache and got to see a strange behaviour.... If i type in my browser url, it works fine, but after typing: http://localhost, i will get a file download window, saying file type as: application/x-httpd-php And…
shasi kanth
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1 answer

how to redirect to via htaccess while on zend framework

as you may know zend framework uses .htaccess for redirection purposes so when I tried to follow this advice: in conjuction with the necessary .htaccess code…
1 answer

Installing Zend Framework GData on shared host

Been searching around Google for quite some time and cannot find any clear cut explanation of how to install and use Zend Gdata on a shared host. I e-mailed my hosting company's support department and they told me that they cannot help with third…
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procmail don't execute php script

I have setup a kannel SMS gateway on my FreeBSD 7.2 - the service works great. I'm now trying to setup a email2sms feature. For this i have created a system user called kannel and all mails are forwarded to this user. In the home dir of kannel i…
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2 answers

Magento Community - Hosting :: Need Advice which sharing hosting will run magento fast

Need Advice which sharing hosting will run Magento Community fast or some other not expensive solution. This website will not have a lot of users, I only need that it will run fast for 100-20 users in same time. The problem with magento is…
1 answer

Ionics Rewrite Filter setup on IIS 5.1

I'm trying to configure IIRF 2 on IIS 5.1 running on XP Pro, so that I can run the Zend Framework. I've managed to get the filter running on a second website that I setup using one the IIS admin scripts. When I goto iirfStatus I get this: The…
Neil Aitken
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2 answers

Laminas Navigator, A plugin by the name "navigation" was not found in the plugin manager Laminas\View\HelperPluginManager

On my Laminas Site I want to use the Navigatorframework. I followed this Tutorial, but I failed. / - Uncaught Laminas\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException: A plugin by the name "navigation" was not found in the plugin manager…
Boba Fit
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1 answer

Issues with Apache and Centos. Crashes at startup but cannot find startup script. apigility

I inherited a Centos 7 server which has apigility installed. When I rebooted the server, the web service crashes. In the log files all I see is [core:notice] [pid 3864] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/httpd -D FOREGROUND' [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid…
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1 answer

Apache / PHP / Zend / PostGres site stopped working over the weekend

We've inherited a website that runs on a Mac OSX server (10.5.8). It has the following components: Apache 2.2.25 PHP 5.3.27 Zend Framework v2.3.0 Connects to a PostGres database on another server pdo_pgsql: PostGreSQL 9.2.4 Monday morning we…
Jason Massey
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1 answer

How to: Zend .htaccess Lighttpd conversion

We are using Zend Framework, we switched from apache to lighttpd, main htaccess file for zend is this: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule !\.(js|ico|gif|jpg|png|css)$…
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Virtual host Alias not routing properly

I apologize if this question has been asked many times in the past. I am not 100% sure of the exact cause of my issue and am out of google magic right now. Basically I have a virtual host file setup with an Alias record that points to a different…
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nginx configuration for multiple subdirectories containing zf2/php files doesn't work

My root structure looks like this /root/ /root/projectA/... /root/projectB/... /root/projectC/... Before I configured each of my subdirectories with one extra location block in my nginx file. These location "blocks" looked like this: server…
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Weird Postfix fatal error

I run three Magento web stores. All the orders e-mails are working just fine, with the exception of 7 e-mails that didn't even got sent from the webserver. Upon investigating the issue I discovered the following logs: Magento…
Pedro Peixoto
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1 answer

Static file request timeouts unless requested with Internet Explorer headers

We recently had some maintenance done on our development server; we don't know what that consisted of as we do not maintain our servers. Since then we've been experiencing a rash of HTTP requests that last for 20s+ before being completed, or, more…
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