Questions tagged [zabbix]

Zabbix is an open source monitoring software

Zabbix is an open source monitoring software. At the core sits a server daemon, written in C and gathered data can be accessed by using a PHP frontend. Zabbix provides binary agents for most platforms and may store both configuration and gathered values in MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle or IBM DB2 databases.

See the official homepage or Wikipedia entry for more information.

503 questions
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Zabbix vfs.fs.size gives wrong result when filesystem is not mounted

I am using an item vfs.fs.size[/bakcrypt,free] (generated by autodiscovery) to monitor diskspace on an encrypted file system (and of course others). The encrypted filesystem in not auto mounted immediately at system startup because a passphrase has…
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How to get all SNMP items using zabbix?

Scenario: OS: CentOS 7.2 Zabbix version: 3.0 Trying to monitor some switches using SNMP protocol I'm able to monitor them without any problem, all items are working and everything is fine but adding every item is a pain in the ass and I'm not into…
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Zabbix: Monitor child spawn rate

We have set up zabbix to monitor our infrastructure, and our security team denied us to run custom scripts through zabbix. This makes our lives a bit harder to find solutions which don't require customized scripts. I've been researching for a while…
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Zabbix web monitoring - storing response

Zabbix web monitoring ( provides most of the functionality that we need for monitoring some application elements to our platform. It can check a URL on a schedule, check the return code, apply…
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Zabbix - auto un-registration of a monitored host?

How to automatically remove an auto registered host from zabbix server when the monitored host is decommissioned? In other words: How to do auto unregistration?
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How do I configure zabbix to add containers dynamically and monitor them across servers that have agents?

I am struggling with discovering and monitoring dynamic (i.e. moving) containers across multiple physical servers and affiliating the results with the container service, not the server on which the agent that runs it is running. I have 2 servers: A…
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3 answers

Monitoring a ZFS Raid Pool on Ubuntu for Integrity and Performance

I set up ZFS on Ubuntu (via fuse) for a storage array at home and it has worked great for almost a year now, despite its 'beta' status. I log in and check the array every once in a while using: zpool status Which results in: NAME STATE …
Dave Drager
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4 answers

What is the sendEmail equivalent on CentOS 7?

I am trying to follow the steps below. But there is no sendEmail on CentOS 7. I have looked at a few alternatives like Postfix, but I am not sure of the script commands. Alternatively you can use sendEmail. 1) apt-get install sendEmail 2) Create a…
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2 answers

Optimal configuration of "Processor load is too high" trigger in Zabbix

I monitor approx. 10 Linux servers with 4 CPU cores each with Zabbix. I was receiving way to many false alarms from "Processor load is too high" trigger lately. The "Processor load is too high" trigger expression was: {Template OS…
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1 answer

Zabbix PDF Report Generation

if any of you have an idea how to implement zabbix generate PDF reports? in forum I found some like this: . I try implement this to my zabbix 2.2.3 but when I do this I still see Text (Unable to…
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Zabbix: How do I configure a Trigger which will check if a specific value has been changed in the last 10 minutes?

I've been given the task to monitor a specific value in some MySQL server database, I need to raise a notification if the value has not been changed in the last 10 minutes. I've added to the UserParameter_mysql.conf the following…
Itai Ganot
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Get power status over ipmi from zabbix

I am now looking for a way how to monitoring a server hardware such as fans/power supplies/etc.. The problem is, we have very dynamic environment - servers are automatically powered on/off - even several times a day, depending on load. I created…
Yarik Dot
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How do I check number of processes per CPU using zabbix?

By default zabbix is able to check the total number of processes on a machine and triggers and error if these are above 300. Clearly this doesn't work well for bigger machines. I do have a server with 32 codes and obviously 300 processes would be…
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Zabbix with active checks

In Zabbix 2.0 I have configured zabbix agents to be active and disabled passive checks. I've also configured the host to automatically add these hosts to the "Discovered Hosts" host group. However, the agent then still tries to connect to the agents…
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2 answers

Zabbix: Nagios like hosts/services status list

How can I have a screen or view in Zabbix where I can see all or all problematic services/hosts in a status list like the one in Nagios? Below a screenshot of Nagios problematic services status list for those who are not familiar with Nagios. I have…
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