Questions tagged [xtradb]

13 questions
2 answers

Way to avoid server downtime when creating Master - Slave relationship?

I am preparing for setting up a MySQL master-slave or master-master relationship. Right now I have a single MySQL production server, and of course I don't want a lot of downtime while I connect the slave. Is there no way I can make connect an empty…
Prof. Falken
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2 answers

Migrating from MyISAM to XtraDB

Just a few questions that I just can't find anywhere about migrating to XtraDB. My group has been using MyISAM dbs for production and was wondering how hard is it to migrate to Percona's XtraDB and how would you go about doing so? Would I have to…
Aaron Nguyen
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4 answers

How to migrate from regular MySQL to Percona Server in production?

I'm running MySQL 5.0 in production on CentOS. How do I migrate to Percona Server 5.1 safely? The documentation of Percona Server doesn't include any information on migrating. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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3 answers

Is XtraDB stable enough for production?

Is anyone using XtraDB (a MySQL build) from Percona? The features & benchmark data looks nice. I wondered if it's stable enough for production. What is your experience?
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1 answer

What are the pros & cons of these MySQL engines for OLTP -- XtraDB, PBXT, or TokuDB?

I'm working on a social website with an approximate read/write split of 90/10. Trying to decide on a MySQL engine. The ones I'm interested in are: XtraDB PBXT TokuDB What are the pros and cons of them for my use case? A few specific…
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1 answer

Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.6 does not start

All the good days. I want to run for test purposes Percona XtraDb Cluster on ubuntu 14.04. The basis here took these two articles I came…
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1 answer

Over 100% of stage done during DROP COLUMN

I'm running a DROP COLUMN on the primary key column (I know, it's terrible but I had to do it). There's a progress indicator: Stage: 1 of 2 'copy to tmp table' 107% of stage done I haven't been modifying the data during the operation. Why would…
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0 answers

Recurring locks and slowdowns on a Percona XtraDB Cluster

I have 5 dedicated servers (identical machines: 32 cores, 96GB of RAM, SSD drives in RAID and gigabit ethernet link) configured with Percona XtraDB Cluster. There's a recurring problem causing a severe slowdown of the cluster for usually about 30 to…
3 answers

Percona XtraDB Cluster node recovery

I have been reviewing XtraDB clustering and produced a P.o.C. environment on Openstack using 4 instances, which has fallen over during my resilience testing. Per the pxc documentation:…
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0 answers

What is the alternative for innodb_track_changed_pages in Debian 10/MariaDB 10.3

So we have been using Debian 9 with MariaDB 10.1. For faster backups (total DB size across three DBs is > 1TB) we have enabled innodb_track_changed_pages. However, that feature has gone away on MariaDB 10.3 because they changed (back) from XtraDB to…
Stefan Seidel
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1 answer

Percona on EC2 ephemeral storage (part of XtraDB cluster)

We have a MySQL DB of roughly 100GB and want to move it into EC2. EBS volumes seem fairly slow for running MySQL databases (even with provisioned IOPS) and although we could use RAID10 to improve this (or Amazon RDS) I was really hoping to make use…
2 answers

What is the easiest way to get XtraDB for MySQL running on CentOS 5

I'm having a lot of issues with a dedicated MySQL server and it seems like upgrading to the XtraDB version of InnoDB will probably have a positive effect, but I'm hesitant to get involved with it since I am not really a sysadmin and prefer to stick…
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1 answer

MySQL too many connections during normal conditions (Percona, InnoDB)

We're getting too many connections errors in normal conditions, so I'm assuming it's a configuration issue. Four webservers, not using persistant connections partly because that triggers to the too many connections error too quickly. See more about…
Jonathan Hendler
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