Questions tagged [wireguard]

257 questions
1 answer

WireGuard `wg-quick up` hangs on `ip link add $profile type wireguard`

I've been a happy WireGuard user for several years and never had any issues. Today, for seemingly no reason, I started having issues. I ran wg-quick up $profile as root and that terminal session locked up (ctrl+c/d etc don't kill it). The only…
Aaron Esau
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How setup wireguard + nixos to access servers (PostgreSQL, nginx) from workstation?

I wanna give access to operators using wireguard to services like PostgreSQL, nginx, ssh, etc without giving the public IP of the host. I use nixos, but a plain setup with wireguard + iptables can work for me. The tunnel is established and packets…
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API-Server on master stops after adding second control-plane

In my current test setup I've several VMs running Debian-11. All nodes have a private IP and a second wireguard interface. In the future the nodes will be in different locations with different network and Wireguard is used to "overlay" all the…
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How do I configure IPv6 via WireGuard?

I rented a VDS in order to set up WireGuard VPN on it and distribute all VPN clients /64 IPv6 subnets. From the hosting I originally got the address 2a0c:xxx:yyy::1/32. Here are the configurations of the network interfaces that I set up: ❯ ip a 2:…
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Wrapping Kubernetes with Wireguard

I've a scenario with many different nodes. Some have public IPv4, some have IPv6, some are dual stack. So I've created a wireguard network (, so that any peer can reach any other inside a private network regarding of IP-stack and…
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MTU Problems with vxnet over wireguard and linux bridge

My Setup: Several Proxmox Hosts with one eth0 connected to LAN via bridge (vmbr0) in proxmox. (Default setup) There is another "dummy" bridge device for internal traffic between Guests (vmbr100). As first guest we have a "Router" VMs on each Host…
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Docker, WireGuard, firewalld

Environment: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Docker WireGuard firewalld I checked systemctl status firewalld I have this message Mar 10 23:04:29 vpnwaw firewalld[542]: WARNING: COMMAND_FAILED: '/usr/sbin/iptables -w10 -t filter -X DOCKER' failed: iptables: No…
1 answer

Internal DNS without Wireguard "proxy"

Problem: Wireguard obfuscates DNS request, so all DNS lookups from devices connected via VPN are seen as coming from Wireguard server. This prevents me from setting up per-device DNS white/black lists. Entering IP of internal DNS server as DNS in…
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How to start wireguard client on windows, in the background?

I have multiple computers (Win10 pro) placed at different remote locations (my partners) that I need to manage. I need to access them from a central location. So I have a central VPN server, and I want multiple Win10 pro instances to connect to it.…
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Sent WG trafic to eth1

I setup a wireguard server with AWS, setup the wireguard client with a raspberry PI. Now I need to redirect the WG traffic (wg0) to eth1 (eth0 is the uplink to my switch) -- my goal is to get a IP from my WG server when a client is connected to the…
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WireGuard traffic not making it through tunnel

I have a server( and a client(, both with wg. I've configured both using the wg command in a way that they should be able to talk to each other. client wg: interface: wg0 public key: abc123= private key: (hidden) listening…
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Send response back through same device for connections coming in through Wireguard

I have a server lanserver running in my private LAN that is connected to a public server publicserver using Wireguard. publicserver forwards TCP connections to certain ports to lanserver through the Wireguard connection using an iptables DNAT…
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How to give Wireguard client access to Internet only

I have a couple of WireGuard interfaces set up and can per peer decide to give access to server only or server and LAN/Internet. What I want to do for a specific peer is to give access to the Internet only and not to the server and LAN. I think that…
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Wireguard won't tunnel all traffic to server

I'm having a heck of a time getting WG to tunnel all my traffic back to the server. I thought it would be a simple one line process, but it isn't. I've installed the latest version, removed, reinstalled, done just about everything. iptables…
1 answer

No internet access with self hosted VPN

I setup a Wireguard VPN server on a Google Cloud VM but when connecting to it with the iOS client (running latest OS and app) nothing loads via the internet when the VPN is on (no browsing, emails, social media, etc), as if I don’t have an internet…
Jacob Miller
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