Questions tagged [windows-subsystem-for-linux]

Windows Subsystem for Linux is a compatibility layer that allows Linux binaries to run natively on Windows 10.

71 questions
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bash over Windows SSH is not working

I have been using an OpenSSH client on Windows for a long time and an SSH server on Linux. Recently I have decided to use the OpenSSH server on Windows 10. I can install it, run the server and login to it with no problem. The default shell is…
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Connect to Postgres running on the Windows host from WSL2?

I am trying to connect to PostgreSQL DB installed on my windows machine from WSL2 however facing issues while connecting would appreciate if you can help me resolve this issue. In addition to that I have tried below options already. Windows…
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Accessing WSL2 From Public IP Address

I have installed WSL2 with Ubuntu 20.04 on Windows 10. I have an Apache server running in WSL2, and this works fine when I use a browser in Windows (Chrome) to access it via WSL IP address. As the WSL2 IP address may change, I've created the…
1 answer

The disk \\.\physicaldrive1 was attached from WSL2, but failed to mount (error code: -22)

Environment: Build: 21343 Ubuntu 20.04 WSL2 Currently attempting to mount an ext4 drive via WSL2 and keep receiving error: The disk \\.\physicaldrive1 was attached from WSL2, but failed to mount (error code: -22) While running the following…
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win32 openssh default shell wsl.exe command arguments

Environment: Windows 10.0.21327 wsl2, ubuntu 20 LTS win32-openssh Windows Openssh Default shell changed…
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Speed issue on using Linux subsystem search on a Windows server

I'm performing a search on a Windows server, who has a mapping to my Z:-drive (\\\). In there I would like to search inside a subdirectory, so we get Z:\. Next to that, I've installed a Linux subsystem on my…
2 answers

iptables-legacy cannot load NFQUEUE targets and the --queue-num and --queue-bypass options are unknown options

I am trying to run the following iptables command from on ubuntu 20.04.1. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK SYN,ACK --sport 443 -j NFQUEUE --queue-num 200 --queue-bypass But the result of execution…
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Local domain name resolution with WSL & Docker

I'm developing an app that is a combination of a Chrome extension and Rails backend (plus redis, solr and postgres). I've recently switched to developing on my nice home Windows rig instead of my macbook. The extension (running in a chrome browser…
0 answers

Error installing OpenLDAP in WSL2

I'm trying to set up OpenLDAP to act as a non-secure proxy to Secure LDAP to support a legacy app so we can finish our migration to Azure Active Directory. I'm trying to install OpenLDAP on my system with WSL2 (Pengwin) and am getting this…
The Sharp Ninja
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2 answers

How to run in background a Linux command in Windows WSL (Ubuntu1804)

In the effort to bring some of the Linux advantages to my customers running Windows 10, I've developed a few bash scripts in order to automate some of their everyday tasks. I use to let them run the scripts through a Windows batch with the following…
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Windows and WSL docker-machine conflict

I have a windows 10 and I installed the WSL ubuntu 18.04 inside. Since the WSL can't use the docker due to virtualization, i ends up use my DigitalOcean droplet as my docker machine target. I follow the guide of setting up the docker machine here:…
1 answer

How to have WSL think it is in the past?

I am developing PHP/Apache/MySQL based code on my Windows 10 laptop via Windows Subsytem For Linux. I am working on some code that is time related. It has a mix of PHP date commands, and MySQL "NOW()" calls. I need to be able to work on this at any…
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Access established tunnel in Windows host from WSL2

My company use Checkpoint Endpoint Security VPN then use Symantec Privileged Access Management to access certain servers, Symantec Privileged Access Management create SSH tunnel in Windows which I can access by ssh user@ -p 12345 (the port…
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Connect Windows device to SMB share via SSH tunnel with WSL

I need to connect to an SMB share via SSH tunnel from a Windows computer. I have a tunnel set up in Putty to go from port 8445 to myserver:445. There is no way to specify an alternate port for the native Windows SMB functionality. I have installed…
0 answers

Discover EXT4 (or other) Linux file system (e.g. bootable?)

I want to be able to identify whether some older SATA HDD's have Linux partitions. With the advent (and my fairly recent discovery) of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows, I realize options have been improved, but i'm not sure it helps with…
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