Questions tagged [windows-sbs-2008]

Windows Small Business Server 2008 is the Microsoft operating system in the `SBS` line based on Windows Server 2008. It went RTM August 21st, 2008 and officially launched November 12th, 2008. Like the rest of the `SBS` line, it includes a number of Microsoft products bundled with it, the tradeoff being that the number of users is limited and some functionality useful for larger organizations is disabled.

SBS 2008 logo

Windows Small Business Server 2008 is the Microsoft operating system in the SBS line based on Windows Server 2008. It went RTM August 21st, 2008 and officially launched November 12th, 2008. Like the rest of the SBS line, it includes a number of Microsoft products bundled with it, the tradeoff being that the number of users is limited and some functionality useful for larger organizations is disabled.

It is available in two editions, Standard and Premium, both of which are 64 bit only. Unlike its predecessor, ISA Server (Microsoft's firewall and proxy product) is no longer bundled in SBS 2008, and is not supported on the network edge, so it must be put behind a network device, such as a firewall or proxy appliance. There is also no upgrade path from any of its predecessors, as a result of moving from a 32 bit architecture to a 64 bit architecture.

Notable bundled products include:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
  • Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
  • 120-day trial subscriptions of Forefront Security for Exchange and Windows Live OneCare for Server
  • SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition (premium edition only)

Notable difference between SBS 2008 and Server 2008 include:

  • A very different administration and management console, focused on "wizards"
  • 75 user limit
  • A requirement that the SBS server be the root Domain Controller, holding all FSMO roles, and an inability to create trust relationships with other domains or forests
  • No ability to configure multiple NICs

More information is available at Wikipedia's Small Business Server page.

324 questions
2 answers

FTP Connection issue

I am trying to access a FTP server with Anonymous Access, this worked until recently and now will not allow Anonymous to login, although it prompts for a username and password so the service is still running. I have no idea where this FTP server is…
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Exchange server listening on port 25 but clients dont recieve emails

My exchange server is listening on port 25, that is I can telnet into it and send an email but Outlook 2010/2007, OWA, and ActiveSync are not pulling down emails. Outlook 2010 specifically says Connected To Exchange Server and Updating Inbox but it…
Josh R
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1 answer

SBS 2008 Exchange 2007 SP3 Asking for credentials - I have no hair left

I have an issue for a few days, pulling my hair. Setup is SBS 2008, latest updates, with Exchange 2007 SP3. The problem is that my domain local users are getting prompted for credentials non-stop using outlook 2007. What the credential popup asks…
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1 answer

SBS 2008 - Folder Redirection

I have a little problem with my Folder Redirection. All seems to works fine, but when I add an element at the root of my Desktop or at the root of My Documents, it only create a temp file on the folder (and it create nothing for the elements in the…
1 answer

Does it work to have the same Username on workstation and server

I am relatively new to networking. We have about 40 computers on a network and one SBS 2008. We want to use the SBS for file and print sharing, but would prefer not to go to a domain situation. Unless perhaps there's a way to keep profiles local and…
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3 answers

Windows Firewall service is ON, but Windows SBS Console (security tab) says that it isn't

i have problem using SBS server 2008, my server use windows server 2008 and the FIREWALL is automatic ON. but when i check in the SBS Console (security tab) the Server Firewall is OFF (Status Critical) why this is happen ?? i have try to OFF and…
2 answers

How to get all logged in users in an active directory environment?

Sometimes you want to write an email to all users that are currently in the office. You could now just insert all the email addresses into a mail but you might not know who's in the office your you forget someone. Another solution would it be to…
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3 answers

Configure DC & Firewall/ Router such that clients can use Internet even if DC is down?

How do Windows domain clients behave if the DC is offline? Read this and am getting some symptoms. Curious about the answer for this scenario. When my Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials is down, clients can't go on the internet. Is there a way…
2 answers

Does cloud computing offer this?

I have some newb questions I want answering please about cloud hosting - we are currently looking at Rackspace and getting a windows box. This is the situation: We have 15 computers in our office. We have 3 printers, some wifi and some network…
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