Questions tagged [windows-dns]

Windows DNS is the Microsoft implementation of the name resolution protocol for TCP/IP networks, such as the Internet. Client computers query a DNS server to resolve memorable, alphanumeric DNS names to the IP addresses that computers use to communicate with each other.

Windows DNS is the Microsoft implementation of the name resolution protocol for TCP/IP networks, such as the Internet. Client computers query a DNS server to resolve memorable, alphanumeric DNS names to the IP addresses that computers use to communicate with each other.

92 questions
2 answers

change TTL on SOA with dnscmd

Hi i'm using dnsmcd command on my windows server 2012 in order to create new zones from csv file. But i need to change TTL on SOA record so i try to do this: dnscmd /recordadd `@ 300 SOA but i've this error : Command failed: …
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Is _msdcs a separate application partition?

I have read in MS docs that by default and app partitions are created when dcpromo is run on the first DC in the forest. Isn't _msdcs not also created? Is it just a DNS zone or is it also its own…
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2 answers

Location dependant dns redirection

I have a corporate network with two sites. Each site has its own domain controller with dns service and both domain controllers are servicing the same domain. We have an mpls network set up between the sites, so it is effectively the…
1 answer

Migrate DNS from Linux to Windows 2008 DNS?

At the moment, the company I work for has an external facing DNS through server 2008 and our internal server points to a Linux server (I wasn't here for the original setup so more specifics are harder to come by). The issue we're running into is…
1 answer

DNS - Remove Active Directory Integrated Forwarder on One Server

The zone in question is currently held on a single Windows 2003 Domain Controller in a remote office (the result of an acquisition), and I would like to create secondary zones at other locations in order to provide a level of resilience to DNS…
0 answers

Recursive query on Windows Server automation?

We have a bunch of 2008-2012 HyperV hosts who have Windows Server domain controllers (2008 DC level, 2008 and 2012 servers across different unrelated sites). Occasionally, when the DC guest comes up after a host reboot after updates, clients call us…
1 answer

Non-FQDN Intranet Subdomain

I have a production server and a development server. Each has their own CNAME record so employees don't have to type in the NetBIOS name of each machine. Lets say they're myapp and myappdev. I've set up IIS with a number of virtual hosts so I have…
Ethan Reesor
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3 answers

_msdcs Zone Not Updating

I've been working on cleaning up our DNS/DHCP and I'm about ready to turn on scavenging (it's never been enabled) to start cleaning up some old records, but before I do, I wanted to check something. Under DNS > Forward Lookup Zones I have a…
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DNS A records disappear, but PTR records still remain

We've been having issues with DNS records dropping. Usually it is from DHCP reservations, like printers. Yesterday it was two of our main servers, also DHCP-reserved. Right now I'm looking at a normal DHCP (non-reserved) computer that is not able…
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Windows DNS server deletes its own A record on reload

Okay so I have never seen anything like this. Here's the story. We have four DNS servers. Let's call them server01-04. server03 is set to be the primary one by DHCP. Scavenging is disabled everywhere. What happens is server03 is deleting its own A…
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Server 2008R2 : DNS Server registering multiple IPs for DNS Server itself

Hi I have installed Active Directory with Local DNS Server IPv4 only no IPv6 Local Area Connection IP is but it also has VMWare Workstation 9 Installed Locally which created two VMWare Network Adapter VMNet1 and VMNet8 VMNet1…
1 answer

Microsoft DNS 'Virtual' subdomain?

I've been studying DNS, and would like to know if/how this is possible in MS DNS - Say you have an AD domain - - in a main office. The subnets here might be -, but they all pull dhcp from the DC and become…
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5 answers

Different Routes For The Same DNS

I don't know the right term for this concept. But basically, I just want to reroute internal traffic to go directly to a server within the network instead of going around the internet. The domain have to be the same. Example: - (for internal users)…
2 answers

Windows Server 2008 R2 DNS Wildcard

This is sort of a specific DNS question. How (if possible) would one do to create a record like this * Where * is a wildcard, is this even possible?
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Windows 7 DNS Issue

The windows XP, and Mac's can pull DHCP and use DNS from the Windows 2003 server but Windows 7 can pull an IP from DHCP but cannot resolve DNS. However, I can ping the DNS server by FQDN & IP but cant browse or connect via RDP. It won't resolve any…