Questions tagged [windows-authentication]

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

Windows authentication (or Integrated Windows Authentication) is a process where connections to applications or external systems are automatically authenticated with the currently logged on Windows user. This functionality was first made available in Windows 2000.

IWA is not actually a standard or authentication protocol, but is a process that relies on the underlying authentication protocols used by Windows and an application that is aware of them to transparently pass authentication information along to the requesting server or service.

There is a brief summary of IWA/WA on Wikipedia, here.

289 questions
1 answer

IIS Won't authenticate domain user: 401.2

I'm having a lot of trouble with configuring authentication for IIS correctly. I have a SharePoint site running under IIS 6.0, and the IIS web site is configured for Integrated Windows Authentication. The web server is on a domain called STAGING,…
Ben Collins
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W10 Client temporary authentication failure when reconnecting network drives

The customer has a W10 laptop. The laptop is member of MyDomain. The user has 20 network drives mapped onto his laptop. The server is W2016 Domain Controller. The user logs in on his laptop using his LOCAL account. When he arrives at the office in…
1 answer

Smartcard Authentication on Windows Domain Controller using Yubikey for Windows Login

I have a Yubikey 5 NFC and I am trying to configure it on a test bench for windows login authentication. I cannot seem to get the certificate to enroll on the Yubikey. I have followed the Yubikey Smartcard deployment guide, but does not seem to be…
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IIS: Change Default Domain Controller For Windows Authentication

Please bear with me, I am a software developer and know little of Active Directory and Windows Server domains. I am running a .NET MVC intranet application on IIS (Windows Server 2016 Standard) that uses Windows Authentication (Negotiate, NTLM, in…
0 answers

Cannot use integrated security with netcore app on iis installed as a web site

I have a little test project in netcore (2.1.401) that returns the logged in user via CNTLM. I deployed it to an IIS server following [this guide]. I also added the website to the hosts file. If I deploy it as an application inside the default web…
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Can't authenticate to IIS websites from within the server though I can from outside

I've installed IIS on a Windows 2016 server, and I'm configuring some websites that I'm migrating from a Windows 2008 server. The websites require Windows authentication. One of the sites is a service provider, with an .asmx file that responds to a…
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Is there a way to configure IIS to require manual windows authentication even if user browser is configured for automatic logon?

Windows Server 2012 R2 IIS 8.5 Internet Explorer 11 I have an IIS web application that supports Windows Authentication (Providers: Negotiate, NTLM). I have a use case where a given user has multiple accounts. His IE settings consider the site to…
Mike B
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Does Windows prevent automatic NTLM authentication when the SMB server is located on a different subnet?

I have a Samba server[1] on my network with a share configured[2] to allow access for my Windows logon user. I can access the share from the Windows 10 machine that hosts the SMB server VM without being asked for credentials. But another Windows 10…
0 answers

Log into Read-Only Domain Controller as administrator without connectivity to Primary Domain Controller

OK, I'm in a bit of a pickle. At one of our remote sites, we have a Windows Server 2012 R2 read-only domain controller that does not sync Domain Admin passwords. Anytime a domain admin tries to log in, it forwards the request to the primary domain…
1 answer

Windows Authentication with IIS 6.0 not working anymore

We had a Sharepoint site running on a server which was a domain controller and everything was working fine (IIS6), everyone could login using windows authentication. We've since added a new domain controller and demoted the IIS server to be a member…
Help me please
0 answers

After a domain acct password change, what is the (max) length of time a windows service continue to run if not updated

I know the question is awkwardly phrased, and I also realize there are going to be multiple factors in this that don't lead to a single definitive answer. I seem recall in the past, having services that were started up and frankly "just kept…
2 answers

How do I implement Windows Authentication in a secure manner for use in an Internet environment?

I was reading about Windows Authentication in IIS7 I know from experience that Windows Authentication technically works OK over the Internet using IIS - meaning user is challenged with 401 not authorized, and that most browsers (Chrome, FF, IE,…
1 answer

active directory not allowing windows login however allows remote desktop

Active directory on my server 2012 r2 server is rejecting logins on my windows 10 professional clients. Each time it is presenting failed authentication "username and password do not match". The server is allowing remote desktop logins with the same…
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Setup a proxy server using Windows Authentication (NTLM)?

I want to setup a proxy server using Windows authentication (formally NTLM), I know that there are better protocols that could be use (Digest, etc.). I've been struggling to find information on how to set it up. So far I figured out that you need to…
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Connecting Windows to Wireless (802.1x Radius) before login working sporadically

We have a system based on Ruckus wireless, connected to a Windows 2012R2 NPS server for RADIUS authentication. We've long been having issues whereby single sign-on isn't reliable, so we've set up a (hidden) SSID which uses machine authentication…