Questions tagged [window-managers]

6 questions
3 answers

Restricting an account's window manager choices

On Red Hat Linux, how can a particular account be restricted to logging in with a particular window manager? For example, only fvwm2 is allowed but KDE and GNOME are not. Or can the disallowed window managers be forced to exit?
1 answer

How (not) to setup lightweight WM for occasional server management?

I'm working with our admin team to firm up all the requirements of the dev team before creating some system images. One of the things we ended up needing is a lightweight GUI setup. Knowing that the overhead should not really exist on servers, we'd…
2 answers

Gnome on Thin Client from Ubuntu Server Host?

I was wondering if there was a way to run Gnome (or XFCE) from either an X terminal thin client such as a netbook running only XWindows or even perhaps a Windows maching using Xming or X/Cygwin and have the Window manager and desktop hosted from an…
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2 answers

connect: Network is unreachable / no routes

I have installed CentOS 7 and added i3wm to it. Internet is working fine, over wifi, in KDE plasma. However when in i3 ifconfig looks like this: enp3s0: flags=4099 mtu 1500 ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX txqueuelen 1000 …
Rin malavi
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1 answer

Xinetd , vncserver memory requirement

I am installing the following on a low memory system: vnc4server xinetd xterm openbox obconf I will only occasionally be logging into the vncs for some admin work. My question is: 1) Does xinetd take memory / cpu even when vncserver is not…
2 answers

How do I replicate a Cinnamon window manager configuration?

I have a master Linux computer with several Cinnamon window manager options set. How can I replicate this setting to a new machine?
Mark Harrison
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