Questions tagged [winbind]

Winbind is part of the Samba suite and provides an NSS and PAM layer for Unix/Linux systems to integrate authentication with a Windows domain

133 questions
2 answers

getent groups shows AD groups, but getent passwd doesn't show users

Attempting to get my fedora linux machine to allow Active Directory logons, but I'm not aple to get past this. I'm trying to reconcile a number of tutorials which seem to give contradictory advice as to a few things, such as setting + or / as…
Peter Turner
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7 answers

Ubuntu + AD; Failed to join domain: failed to set machine spn: Constraint violation

I'm attempting to join a Ubuntu 12.04 server to Active Directory. I installed samba, and kb5-user, created a machine account in AD, and did: > net ads testjoin Join is OK So far so good. Then I hit a problem: > sudo net join -U myuser Failed to…
Jon Skarpeteig
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1 answer

Bringing Linux Accounts in Active Directory

I'm trying to centralize user login information via Active Directory. Currently I have AD running on Server 2008 R2. I do have Identity Management for UNIX installed on it. I also have a few Linux clients mainly using CentOS 5.X and Fedora 14. I've…
1 answer

CentOS 6 Gnome login immediately logs me out

Have a strange issue on freshly installed CentOS 6, with Samba Windows 2008 R2 authentication. The login succeeds, and even the home directory created, but then I'm thrown back to the login scren again. The message log contain the following…
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Windows Share authentication from Active Directory Linux login

I'm using Active Directory to log into RHEL. To do this, I followed the steps outlined here: I'd like to be able to read data from…
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I have to manually restart winbind.service after every reboot. Ubuntu 18.04

S.O. Ubuntu 18.04.4, Samba version 4.7.6-Ubuntu I have this problem with this machine. Whenever the system restarts, winbind.service fail to start properly, and error "clock skew too great" is recorded in logs. winbind log: [2020/02/17…
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Should domain_realm point to a domain controller or KDC, or is it just the default_realm name?

In /etc/krb5.conf, given the folowing default_realm, should [realms].default_domain point at the default_realm or a Domain Controller (DC) or Key Distribution Denter (KDC)? ada and adb are Windows Server DCs & KDCs. The domain members are systems…
Louis Waweru
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0 answers

Samba: authenticate against Active Directory using winbind but authorize against separate OpenLDAP server

Short Version How can I configure a CentOS 7 machine with Samba 4.8.0 serving users on Windows 7 clients to authenticate using their domain login credentials (winbindd and Active Directory) but be authorized (i.e. perform user/group lookup) against…
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1 answer

FreeRADIUS can not login with Active Directory user

I install freeradius 3 in debian 9. I can login with user from text file in radius but I want to login with user from Active Directory. First, I install this library. apt install samba winbind krb5-user krb5-config -y Then I config realm like…
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Make winbind rfc2307 optional

Back in the samba-winbind 4.4 days, you could set a default template shell and template directory for AD users, but override these defaults by using rfc2307. This was useful because we could allow ordinary users to access databases with their domain…
1 answer

Samba File Server shows already deleted users as directory owner / winbind name resolution

I have on a Samba File Server (openSUSE Leap 15), a directory with subdirectorys in which some should have no more owner. User Name Resolution is going by winbind. I want to delete every dir with no owner. The Problem is, that ls -la shows me, that…
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Samba4 in AD Domain: getent shows only local accounts

I had my samba domain member working a few days ago, but now it stopped serving domain users. Some of the steps I already tried: clear caches, rejoin domain, reboot, pam-auth-update, with and without "winbind use default domain = yes" and some…
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1 answer

Moving from LDAP to LDAPS - Ubuntu 14.04 Winbind, Samba

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 AD DS member server which appears to be binding to AD no problem with the following command: wbinfo -g I want to move to using LDAPS now. I configured LDAPS on my 2012 R2 DC and can bind over LDAPS using ldp.exe. What steps…
4 answers

Samba 4: domain joined, but all users are mapped to nobody, and shares are inaccessible from Windows clients

I've got a Debian/Jessie Samba 4.2.14 running as an AD member. ADC is a Windows2008R2 server. Join worked without problem. # net ads testjoin Join is OK wbinfo -u and wbinfo -g work perfectly and provides a list of users and groups from the AD as…
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Samba Winbind fail to lookup "domain users" group

Debian samba server authenticated with active directory "# id username" is able to lookup all group id but just "domain users" is missing intermittently, result in (servername\none) # id test.user uid=16793(test.user) gid=10513(servername\none)…
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