Questions tagged [webmail]

Webmail is email client implementation as a web application running on a web server. It provides basic functions such as receiving and sending email via web browser.

Basically, there two types of webmail: (1) a webmail software that can be downloaded and installed to any webserver or (2) a webmail that provided and maintained by ISP/Free Mail Provider.

Some examples of webmail software were and . It must be downloaded, installed and configured by sysadmin so it connected to existing mail stack. End user can access the webmail after they provide username and password.

Some examples of webmail provider is Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail. All of them are free to use. They also provide the paid version of webmail with more advanced functionality.

88 questions
1 answer

How do you configure Dovecot and Roundcube to be webmail only? No external client connections for IMAP/SMTP/POP3

In a fully-working email server (setup with iRedmail in this case) with RoundCube for webmail, and Dovecot/Postfix/etc, how can you disable external client connections to IMAP/SMTP/POP3 and make the server webmail-only for email? I believe…
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2 answers

Horde webmail install - 'webmail-install not found'

I'm trying to install Horde Webmail on my Debian server, but I got stuck on error. I followed manual on After installing through pear, I'm supposed to run webmail-install script, but it's not…
Get Schwifty
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1 answer

is webmail db acessable through ftp

Recently we've had several attempts to access our ftp account from an outside source, (we've since locked the account). I was wandering if we use hosted webmail, such a open xchange, horde or atmail would our email db's be venerable / accessable if…
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How to move mail accounts when migrating webhosting

I am migrating my website from one webhosting company to another in a shared hosting environment. Both have cpanel. And the second hosting account i am preparing to move is my multi-domain hosting account with 3 domains already in it. The…
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3 answers

Roundcube "Server Error (OK!)": Lists no messages but can get messages according to the log file

In my server setup there are three virtual machines. One windows machine, an Ubuntu Server 11.10 and a Debian Squeeze mailserver. On the Ubuntu system I have Roundcube installed and I want to connect to the virtual mail server. What's the…
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1 answer

Exchange 2007 - Webmail Attachment Size

I have an Exchange 2007 server that has Webmail setup. The issue is that users are sending files around the 20MB mark in size (unfortunately a necessary evil, but most of those being sent are internal); the issue is that when they're sending from…
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2 answers

How to install and configure a webmail?

I have a centos 5.5 64 bit xen vps. I have a php script that automatically sends confirmation emails for people who sign up, it's not sending it right now and i believe it's because i don't have a webmail installed, right? if so then I have to…
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1 answer

Switching to new server, but don't want to lose access to old emails

[as a precursor to this, since it is my first question, I assure you that I will check the correct answer and not leave your responses unnoticed and unappreciated (I'm active on StackOverflow and AskDifferent)] I've searched about a bit and haven't…
1 answer

Outlook Web Access Mobile Options

Above are screen shots of Outlook Web Access options for two different users, why is that one user has Mobile Devices option enabled and other does not. Both users access same Web Mail. Is it just that it has been disabled for one user and still…
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2 answers

Exchange webmail internal dns

How do I modify my internal dns-server, so that I can use the same DNS address as I use externally? Example; should point to 192.168.X.X instead of external static ip. Regards
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postfix/squirrelmail login own domain only

I currently have a server with postfix/dovecot/postfixadmin and squirrelmail running for multiple domains. I use mysql to store the account/domain details. However, if I go to the webmail of a domain on my server, I can login to all email accounts…
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3 answers

create webmail server like

i want to create a webmail server on ubuntu linux (GUI)or windows. please help me in this. thanks,
1 answer

Automatically backing up 3rd party mailservers?

I run an internal mail server which I make nightly backups of. I want to also make backups of 3rd party email accounts such as Gmail and Hotmail. I know that both these services have access via POP/IMAP, but is there an easy way to grab messages…
Jay White
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3 answers

IMAP & PHP integration

I'm looking to integrate a webmail system into a website I'm building. I'd basically like a webmail interface built into my existing application. I need mail to be sent to their usernames and be read in the website. But, I'd also like users to be…
3 answers

Exchange 2003 Webmail OWA - configuring the login page

I have exchange 2003 and we have webmail OWA running for remote access to users emails. At some point we have made a change to our server configuration and the nice customised login page no longer shows up instead a box pops up saying windows…
Simon Foster
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