Questions tagged [webmail]

Webmail is email client implementation as a web application running on a web server. It provides basic functions such as receiving and sending email via web browser.

Basically, there two types of webmail: (1) a webmail software that can be downloaded and installed to any webserver or (2) a webmail that provided and maintained by ISP/Free Mail Provider.

Some examples of webmail software were and . It must be downloaded, installed and configured by sysadmin so it connected to existing mail stack. End user can access the webmail after they provide username and password.

Some examples of webmail provider is Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail. All of them are free to use. They also provide the paid version of webmail with more advanced functionality.

88 questions
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Horde installation failure CentOS 7

0 I'm trying to install the Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 5 on CentOS 7 following this documentation, installing horde with pear and the installation is failing on my step number 5. pear channel-discover pear install…
1 answer

How to download inbox and sent item onto outlook for backup

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question., if not please point me in the direction. I have business email services running with BigRock, which I don't want to continue. I'd like to take a back up of all the folders on webmail.…
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Web Mail Issues with Wireless Connections

Our Company was recently aquired by a larger corporation and is 3000 miles away with little or no understanding of our situation here. They are threatening to pull the plug on us and switch us to web mail. The problem with that is, we are in the…
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Dovecot and "system folders"

As far I know "system folders" like Draft, Sent and Trash are created by the IMAP application (webmail) not Dovecot but is there a way to suppress that process and let Dovecot do that up front of a webmail? I have found some configuration options…
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how to allow editing of the sender address in roundcube

I have installed roundcube webmail on my debian squeeze box. I want to know can I allow editing of the sender address in roundcube ? If yes, then how ? I searched so many blogs, posts but I didn't find any related help from their. So any help would…
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How to change loading order of domain and subdomain name on nginx?

I have enabled Wordpress Multisite with subdirectory on VPS nginx server. I also have roundcube & postfix running. The URL to access mail is The problem is get directed to, which is expected. I found…
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2 answers

migrating email, folder structure?

I am currently trying to move a client from one web host to another. They have been using webmail (smartermail) on old host. They have folder set up for organizing their mail. How would I got about migrating this client? I can fairly easily get…
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Need to download Outlook files from webmail, no Outlook synchronization available

We recently moved our DNS from GoDaddy to our own internal server, which implies all the necessary DNS records have also changed. We had an IT guy backup all Outlook files before we changed DNS hosts but he missed 3 mailboxes. We need to somehow…
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Sending outgoing mail from multiple e-mail accounts (of different domains hosted on the same server) using sSMTP

I'm hosting multiple domains in my public html folder of an ubuntu-nginx vps server. And I currently have my 'ssmtp.conf' file set up successfully to send outgoing mail(contact, registration, verification, forgot password etc using php 'mail()')…
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Trying to setup Roundcube using iRedmail

I'm trying to setup Roundcube using iRedmail. iRedAdmin works fine - I am able to create domains and users without issue. However, when I am trying to log on with a newly created email address in the Roundcube client, I am getting the following…
Andrew Alexander
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Installing Horde on CentOS 6 cant find files

I am trying to install Horde on a clean install of CentOS on a vps. The install and config seemed to go ok but when I try and open Horde through my domain ( I get nothing, the page loads but it is blank. When I run the test script…
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Using virtualmin to manage account address books

I have configured several email accounts with Virtualmin and they're all working really well via IMAP and the web interface. In case it matters, they are configured using dovecot and postfix. However, it would be nice if each address had its own…
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Finding valid email service providers in a large list of domains

I have a list of approximately 13K free email/webmail providers from circa 2000. Obviously the vast majority of these services have gone out of business, and the domains have either lapsed, or been snatched up by cybersquatters, who have put up a…
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Webmail is “Unable to make a secure connection to the server”

I am configuring a Ubuntu14/NGinX server and almost everything is up and running (phpmyadmin, ispconfig, etc). I installed Dovecot/Postfix/Squirelmail to establish a mailserver. I followed the…
John Doe
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Mails sent from Roundcube on xampp not visible in Gmail,Yahoo or Hotmail Inboxes

I have downloaded and installed Roundcube 0.9.5 on my xampp server on Windows 8.It works well when receiving mails as the mails show up in inbox normally. But when i send a mail from the logged in account in roundcube(say gmail or yahoo) , I am able…
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