Questions tagged [webfilter]

A program or device that filters web content and pages.

51 questions
4 answers

Web Content Filtering Recommendations

We have a corporate MPLS network hosted by a large ISP. Each site has it's own dedicated path to the Internet, so there is no single point of Internet access to place a filtering appliance. We've all but decided on deploying a proxy-based solution…
Russ Warren
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2 answers

Block certain parts of Facebook at work

I would like to be able to block work staff from accessing their personal facebook accounts BUT would like them to be able to retain the ability to access our own company facebook page. Is this possible?
3 answers

What is a common corporate internet gateway / proxy / filtering setup?

What are some "typical" internet gateway setups for corporate firms of say 500-5000 users? e.g. Firewall - some hardware device? Web Proxy - squid or other proxy software / device? Content Filtering / Blocking - Barracuda or Websense or other…
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4 answers

Windows Server 2008 R2: Internet access filtering related issues

My current Windows Workplace Network need some users to have restricted access to the internet and some users to have full access to the internet. So I used a OPENDNS as it turned out to be the most simple and yet cost effective option (as in free!)…
2 answers

Walkthrough for setting up Proxy Server using Squid on Windows

Some of the employees are using the internet for non-work related activity (accessing naughty websites, online shopping, MySpace etc.. etc.. after business hours). I would like to stop internet abuse and be aware of how bandwidth is being used. I…
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Proxy to restrict access to certain websites

I'm looking for a solution that allows our office server to function as a proxy that blocks access to certain websites for certain LAN ip's. The solution i'm looking for has to meet these requirements: run on ubuntu server restrict access to…
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1 answer

What free and efficient web/trafic filtering options are good for this situation?

The Story (you can skip this if you like) So my girlfriend got a job as pedagog at a small boarding home (around 40 kids, age 10 to 18), 3 weeks ago. I went there once and surfed the web from a shared pc and noticed they were used for everything but…
1 answer

Allow non-standard ports through Smoothwall filter

We have a Smoothwall appliance here which is used for web filtering on our school network. We also have Ubiquiti Unifi access points with an offsite controller. In order to manage the controller, we need to be able to log in to it at…
Moshe Katz
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2 answers

Block https by mac address. Squid or iptables

I want to block web access (http and https) to certain mac addresses. I was able to do this for http using squid but it still lets https sites through. acl denylist arp "/etc/squid/mac-deny-list.lst http_access deny denylist How can I do the same…
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3 answers showing up in webfilter

We have recently rolled out a web content filter. I have noticed on many users even though these users are not going to this site, nor have any program loaded that would connect to this site. Anybody know why this would be showing…
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2 answers

Setting up filtering for a subnet behind a corporate proxy

My (all Windows) office is hooked into a corporate LAN in a remote city. We're accessing the Internet via the corporate proxy server on their end. For political reasons, there is not and will not be any filtering on the corporate proxy. But my team…
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2 answers

How can I disable Google SSL Search so that the DansGuardian web filter will work properly?

I'm running the DansGuardian web filter ( and the Squid web proxy (2.7.STABLE9) on Debian Linux "Wheezy" 7.1. DansGuardian doesn't filter Google web-search or image-search queries transmitted over SSL (HTTPS). Google writes that I should…
1 answer

Innovation: Single sign on integrated with web filter?

This one is a doozy, so be forewarned! Also please let me know if this isn't on the correct site. What I would like to implement in the form of a server appliance is a single sign on solution that would integrate with "cloud" apps such as…
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6 answers

How to Approach Web Filtration?

My company recently implemented a content filtration system (Websense) which ranges anywhere from mildly irritating to enraging depending on what useful website it's blocking and what program I have to configure proxy settings on in order to get my…
2 answers

Web filtering (Proxy or DNS) with option for users to ignore the block

We are struggling with our users visiting infected or "attack" sites and Phising in general. Most of our machines are protected by an Enterprise anti virus and monitoring solution (McAffe ePO) and we try to get people to use Firefox... But no AV…
Jon Rhoades
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