Questions tagged [web.config]

A configuration file for ASP.NET web applications in XML format.

113 questions
1 answer

IIS and Static content?

Files that the browser retrieves from the server should be stored in the browser’s cache as long as possible to help minimize server round-trips. But how does IIS knows what is actually a static content and what is not? Is it just images ,…
Royi Namir
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2 answers

Auto start timers when app pool starts in GoDaddy shared hosting ASP.NET 4.0

I have a GoDaddy Shared Hosting plan and I have several ASP.NET 4.0 websites. I have some cronjob-like functionality for performing a web-related task every 5 minutes. I've put the initialization logic with timers into my Global.asax…
1 answer

What are the things to look out for when adding other domain user to your IIS?

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 called Jack11 that joined a domain called It has IIS 7 installed. From my understanding, we need to add the following into the web.config file
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Ignore subdomain rewrite rules

I'm having difficulty having a sub folder act differently to the main domain in my web.config for iss. I want to prevent the sub folder from rewriting to the baselevel index.php and instead re-write to /subfolder/index.php/ I've tried this …
Alan Hollis
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2 answers

can not connect to SQL running on amazon ec2 machine

I am using SQL managment studio 2008 running on an Amazon EC2 machine. I am unable to connect to the database in my application. The EC2 instance has been set to accept connections over the SQL port. I am also able to remote the machine as…
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Enable Windows Authentication on website, allow only some users

I am investigating this problem. I have a CGI application that I publish through a website published in IIS7. EDIT: I changed the web.config to use url authorization. This is the web.config of a folder called secure and this is the web.config of…
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The proper way to redirect from http:// to /www in IIS7

I've noticed recently that Google and a number of other SEO tools are a little confused about where my site is located. They seem to be unsure about whether it's www. or non www. SEO Moze's Site Explorer tool is unsure and so is Google's webmaster's…
Zach Shallbetter
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1 answer

.HTacess on PHP Website on WIndows Server2008

I have a PHP5 website on Windows Server 2008. I want to access .htaccess file. How can I?
Varun Jain
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2 answers

Do we need to have a System.Web section in our IIS web.config file, if we're not using Cassini / Web Development Service?

a typical web.config file has a section and a section. I'm under the impression that IIS7 / IIS7 express ignore the section .. so if we will never use that cursed thing called Cassin/Web Development…
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How to hide subfolder when using Web.config for subdomains?

I have FTP access to my ASP.NET Websapce (IIS 7) and I route subdomains with a Web.config in the web root folder. She looks like this:
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IIS 7.5 virtual directory cannot load assembly which is referenced in the root web.config

I've encountered the following problem with the IIS 7.5. Under root I have a virtual directory which is setup as application running under classic pipeline. it looks like this -root (integrated) -bin -virtualdirectory (classic) …
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Bypass OnAuthenticateRequest from web.config for certain paths

We have a web-app that basically catches all requests for url-rewriting purposes, except for a certain sub directory (/static) which has it's own web.config (NOT a subapplication!), which defines a StaticFileModule for all files. However, since it…
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what are the permisssion that need to be given for web.config file

we have a website hosted on a server with nginx webserver. Now , we have a file called web.config in /var/www/html/ So, when we gave security audit for the servers, they have recommended like: web.config File Information Disclosure Ensure proper…
0 answers

Applying IIS rewrite rules from multiple web.configs for single request

I am trying to configure a directory structure in an IIS website with rewrite rules applying at various levels. For example, consider the following structure: Default Web Site ├─ web.config └─ v1 ├─ web.config └─ wwwroot └─ hello.txt I…
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0 answers

What can prevent IIS 10.0 from applying applicationHost.config locks on location of system.webserver/security/access settings?

I have three instances of an application: local, Staging (remote) and Production (remote). All three of them are running IIS 10. Local is Windows 10, the two remote servers are Windows Server 2016. All three have applicationHost.config configured…