Questions tagged [wazuh]

3 questions
0 answers

Alert created with wazuh-logtest but not in real

I created a custom decoder and a custom rule to generate alerts when receiving UniFi logs via syslog. When I use the wazuh-logtest binary to test these with a UniFi log, the custom rule is triggered and an alert is generated. But in real, nothing…
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1 answer

How do you use wazuh with cert-manager in kubernetes?

The wazuh kubernetes install instructions uses self signed certificates. Is there a way to use cert-manager/LetsEncrypt certificates instead?
1 answer

Wazuh ignore a specifc user from sudo notifications

I'm monitoring my servers using Wazuh 4.1.x. My servers are Ubuntu and CentOS. They are also monitored using Icinga2 and NRPE agent. Wazuh is logging all sudo authentications or commands ran with sudo (which is fine). But since some of the nrpe…
Bogdan Stoica
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