Questions tagged [vmware-tools]

Vmware tools is a package one can install in guest operating systems that run on a VMware host.

The tools provide more features such as:

  • drag and drop into VM
  • improved graphics performance
  • improved mouse performance

Official Page

57 questions
3 answers

Why not use vmware tools for time synchronisation?

We have two VMWare environments running a bunch of (mainly) Redhat 5.9 and 6.4 guests. We are having issues with time drift (minutes ahead per week). We use ntp, syncing to the local domain controller. This recommendation by VMWare specifically says…
Josh Smeaton
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2 answers

Installing open-vm-tools in Ubuntu via Puppet; what's the lesser evil?

In an ideal world, configuring puppet to install the open-vm-tools should be as simple as this: class vm-tools { package { 'open-vm-tools': ensure => installed } package { 'open-vm-dkms': ensure => installed } } But,…
Shane Madden
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7 answers

Getting metadata from within VMWare Guest OS

Is there a way to get metadata (i.e. VM Name, Annotations, etc.) from within the Guest OS? I'm using a Ubuntu JeOS template and want to run a script on startup which configures new VMs according to the metadata. This is on VMWare ESX.
Robert Wilson
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5 answers

Should VMware Tools always be installed in headless Linux guests?

We have a deployment with what I would call an Enterprise Cloud Provider. It's VMWare Infrastructure 3.5.x and includes VMotion / VMWare HA instances, etc. At Provider 1 VMWare Tools was installed: vmware-guestd is running and; at least two kernel…
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1 answer

Convert EC2 instance to VMware workstation

How can I export one windows instance (with active directory, SQL, SharePoint) from amazon (EC2) to my local environment, and be able run it on a local VMware workstation? I have used the VMware vCenter converter to do this and I am able to get the…
3 answers

Setting VMware vSphere VMs to automatically upgrade VMware tools

We are currently on VSphere 5.1 across the board globally with around 450 Windows server VMs. We have an issue where we have various VMs throughout the organization that end up having expired VMware tools. Without going with 3rd party tools or VCops…
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2 answers

Why might VMWare Tools downgrade after upgrade?

Running vSphere Client 5.5 and attempting to upgrade linux VMs that were on the older VMWare tools version. All linux VMs are RedHat v5.0. I go through the VMWare automatic install process and everything completes as expected. Run VMWare tools…
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1 answer

How do I make sure VMware Tools is installed and running?

[root@tst-01 ~]# rpm -qa |grep vmware vmware-tools-libraries-nox-8.6.0-2.x86_64 vmware-tools-foundation-8.6.0-4.x86_64 vmware-tools-libraries-x-8.6.0-2.x86_64 [root@tst-01 ~]# ps aux |grep vmware root 6615 0.0 0.0 103300 840 pts/2 S+ …
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4 answers

Problem installing VMWare Tools on Linux Guest

I am trying to install VMWare tools on a Fedora 10 guest (Windows Vista host) and running into problems. I am logged in as root. Upon attempting to install, I get a message saying "Guest operating system has locked CD-ROM...). Various forums…
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4 answers

Determining the name of the VMware host of a VM guest - from the guest

Is it possible to determine the name of the VMware host (ESX or ESXi) that my guest resides in, from within the guest itself? I would expect this to be possible via VMware Tools, but am not sure where to look.
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4 answers

Performance monitoring from guest OS

I was wondering if there is any tools that can be used inside of a VM and is aware of working in virtualized environment. It can be little misleading using Linux top tool without regarding limits of CPU and memory setting. Maybe some interesting…
1 answer

VMware: any way to take snapshot from client os?

I am running ESXI 6 with a Linux VM. VMWare tools are installed on the client os. Is there any way to trigger a snapshot from within the client os? Without accessing the host directly?
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1 answer

Can I retrieve the vCenter VM name from within the guest VM itself?

We're building an environment in which VMs are automatically deployed. We need the VM its hostname to be identical to the VM name in vSphere (which is randomly being created). Is there a way to retrieve the vSphere/vCenter VM name from within the VM…
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1 answer

VMware Tools are installed but inactive. Scientific Linux 6.4, ESXi 5.1.0, vCenter 5.1.0

Basic information: VM OS is Scientific Linux 6.4 x86_64, installed as minimal, with network-support and access to EPEL repository. Hypervisor is ESXI 5.1.0, build-1065491. I don't have the rights needed for the upgrade to latest version. vCenter is…
4 answers

Are there any tools to diff two VMWARE Windows XP images?

Is there any tool that can summarize Registry and File differences between two VMWARE Windows XP images?
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