Questions tagged [vmlinuz]

vmlinuz is a statically linked executable that contains a bootable image of the Linux kernel

vmlinuz is a compressed Linux kernel, and it is bootable. Bootable means that it is capable of loading the operating system into memory so that the computer becomes usable and application programs can be run.

For more information

5 questions
4 answers

What is vmlinuz and why do I care?

I just got a network alert that I've never seen before, on one of the few Ubuntu boxes that we have: The following monitoring trigger has been fired: /vmlinuz has been changed on server XXXXX: PROBLEM 2012.09.19 06:24:33 Trigger key:…
Mark Henderson
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1 answer

vmlinuz boot file deleted - options to recover?

A SLES server crashed, and will not restart. A team member ran this command about half an hour before zypper remove zookeeper-server - ...Including the spaces. I fear it has inadvertently removed far more than he intended and now the…
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2 answers

Which vmlinuz and initrd.img should I use for 'headless' CentOS installation?

I am pondering reinstalling a CentOS Linux server remotely, by installing CentOS' installer into /boot (GRUB) as per this tutorial: Install Linux Servers Remotely I notice that there are two different versions of vmlinuz and initrd.img in…
Nickolai Leschov
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0 answers

ks.cfg file + how to fit the ks.cfg for PXE server

I want to configure the ks.cfg file under PXE server So I will able to install linux from PXE server PXE server include the files ( initrd.img & vmlinuz ) and the ks.cfg My default ks.cfg was taken from the original initrd.img ( from ISO file ) And…
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1 answer

Linux kernel build - dont change vmlinuz

When building an upstream kernel, /boot/vmlinuz and /boot/System.Map are updated to point at the newly installed kernel image. Is it possible to disable this behavior, perhaps by changing a config or Makefile parameter? I'm building the kernel like…