Questions tagged [virtual-ip]

53 questions
1 answer

Virtual IP or Mac Binding IP for loadbalancer

I am configuring LoadBalancing for my website which is hosted on 2 webservers. I have MAC binded static IPs for both the servers. For LoadBalancer also can I have a MAC binded IP or a Virtual IP without any binding is mandatory? I am referring to a…
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Replacing host with another at runtime using same FQDN

I have host h1 running a few services. It registers with a central server and the server requires its FQDN and IP. I can specify any FQDN here. At run time, if h1 were to be replaced with another host h2 then the server would reject h2 because its…
3 answers

How does HA / failover work?

Let's say we have ten servers, each one has a copy of stateless application. user enters address in a browser / client program. dns server returns a list of ip (however many people say that dns should not be used to provide HA, especially for…
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how to 2 ip virtual in public dan private with forward to different destination

Here my case, Server 1 public IP in 1 box (eth0) -> 203.x.x.55/28 and 57/28 gw 203.x.x.49 private IP (eth1) -> Server 2 private IP in 1 box (eth0) -> and 7/24 gw Iptables -A PREROUTING -d 203.x.x.55 -i eth0 -p tcp…
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Is a virtual IP assigned by a hosting provider?

I'm going to be setting up HA proxy with 2 physical servers, using heartbeatd. I'm going to have clients point domains to an IP address which can't change after doing so. My hosting provider has provided me with 6 IP addresses. Will I need to use…
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Pfsense Virtual IP NATing

Am setting up Pfsense 2.0 but am stuck when it comes to port forwarding/Natting. I've done it before but not using Virtual IPs. Say I have WAN on and LAN on, I have added a virtual IP on the LAN NIC of type "Proxy…
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Can I get all the virtual IP addresses given the CNAME

Is there a way to find all the aliases of the host? $ nslookup x x is an alias for y y is an alias for z z has address So if I have z, is there a way of using nslookup/host/dig commands to get x and y too?
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Heartbeat node that was kicked out doesn't rejoin virtual IP service

We have a 2-node heartbeat cluster that servers a virtual IP. Previous due to an error, the network interface for node1 died and resulted in the cluster kicking node1 from the virtual IP party. Now that we have fixed it, node1 no longer gets to…
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