Questions tagged [useragent]

63 questions
3 answers

Need Explanation of User Agent

I'm analyzing user agent field of different types of web server logs. Ex. Apache Access Log/W3C/iplant etc. I found some lines in the log files have following type of user agents. I'm confused since it has many of the browser signatures. Can…
1 answer

Contional declaration in Apache httpd

We want to be able to set Cache-Control headers based on User-Agent in Apache For example, if a User-Agent contains substring foo we want to set Cache-Control to 10 minutes. But if not set it to 1 day. Searching around, I've found BrowserMatch, but…
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Vanilla .Net 4.0 website cannot identify some AppleWebKit based browsers

We are seeing some Safari browsers failing to cross-authenticate our website after we upgrade to .net 4.0 from .net 3.5. After much investigation, it turns out to be a problem with ASP.Net identifying the Safari browsers properly. ASP.Net…
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Using .htaccess to exclude all user-agents for private site

In regards to a website that you want to keep private, in a situation where you can't restrict/allow to ip's for your users and password protection cannot be implemented. But you can have your users use a custom user-agent. For a first line of…
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How to find userAgent of Google API callers?

I have a Google Cloud project that has YouTube API active through some known API Key. I am trying to find out the user agents of its callers in order to break them down by type (this is an old project and may have multiple and some legacy callers I…
Sagi Mann
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Nginx : whitelisting browsers

I'm trying to setup a whitelist of browsers allowed to visit a static website hosted by a nginx server. I found in the documentation a reference to modern_browser directive. It seems interesting but I still have some questions : - How can I detect…
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Does IIS Request Filtering Rules use Regex for the deny strings?

I'm trying to block user-agent X (literally, just "X") in IIS using Request Filtering Rules. We've done this in the past for other more specific user-agents without problems. However, now that the deny string is only an X I wonder: Are deny-strings…
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Identifying UserAgent strings that don't support TLSv1.1

I've created a tally from IIS logs of the last 18 months by User Agent string and created some Excel formulas to extract # of visits from XP/Vista machines using Internet Explorer. Could someone confirm if the following search would accurately…
Kevin Denham
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Blocking UserAgent libwww-perl with .htaccess not working?

The server is running on Apache, and trying to block libwww-perl, but not sure why it's not working. I've put the following in my .htaccess, but when I run the test I still get the notification that libwww-perl is still not blocked. RewriteEngine…
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Nginx shows no user agent string

I have been dealing with an issue on one of my servers for quite a while now. In short, the server receives massive spikes in load - up to 50 - but the site gets almost no traffic. I know this can be down to poor coding standards, large PHP…
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IIS not sending ASP.Net cookies to IE10 (and only to IE10)

I have IIS 7.5 server running ASP.Net application, which for some reason doesn't send ASP.Net authentication cookies to IE10. This happens only when request comes in from IE10 browser and only over network (i.e. not when browsing from web server…
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1 answer

Access Logs - Useragent changes after first request

Has anyone noticed Internet Explorer useragents changing in their access logs? - - 12.345.6.789 - - [24/Feb/2012:15:59:59 -0800] "GET HTTP/1.1" 200 4759 "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR…
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2 answers

How is a User Agent passed along from a load balancer?

I have an application that sits behind an F5 load balancer. The application needs to be aware of the User Agent and IP address of the inital request. For example: User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1;…
Derek Hunziker
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3 answers

What is a SIP B2BUA, and how is it different from a UA?

I've been reading some stuff SIP related, and I'm confused, about what is a SIP back-to-back user agent(B2BUA) and a 'normal' user agent? Can anyone explain the differences? From what I read I can't differentiate a B2BUA from a UA... For me a UA…
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Search Engine Bot - Large amount of hits

I've started tracking user-agent strings on a website at the start of each session. Looking at the data for this month so far I'm seeing on search engine bot that keeps coming up a lot.. Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0;…
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