Questions tagged [usb]

Universal Serial Bus, an industry standard for serial communication.

The Universal Serial Bus is an industry standard for serial communication, defining:

  • connectors
  • protocols
  • cables

Originally developed to have a standard for connecting devices to computers.

More info on and wikipedia.

402 questions
1 answer

Monitor USB port without physically plugin hard drive

I have to design a program to monitor USB ports of a linux server to detect when an external hard drive is plugged in and removed. Now I have one confusion in my mind about it. I have my own VPS. so if i design a program then how can i check it…
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4 answers

How do I permanently delete a USB storage drive?

Possible Duplicate: Zeroing SSD drives I have an external flash drive that I want to get rid off. I've deleted & formatted it from within Windows but I want to make sure no one can get to the data. Are there any tools I can run to make sure no…
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Usb automount in linux box

When a usbdisk is connected to a linux box, A folder with usb label is created in /media and mounted. how is it done & how it works in backend. can anyone please explain. Thanks Caterpillar.
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Moving usb mounts ubuntu 10.10

I use a usb 1Tb hard driver for backups. I have three of them and I have one one site (two weeks old) for the next backup, one off site (one week old), and one in the system (current back drive). I have mounted this drive at /mnt/backup. Since…
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USB stick unmounts itself, becomes unavailable ?!

On Centos 6, I am trying to copy some files from a Fat32 stick. I do a "fdisk -l" then take that name and mount it with this command: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb I see the files there (I didnt count them tough), then I try to copy them from stick to…
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Dell Poweredge 1550 boot from USB or CDRom

I am trying to get a dell power edge 1550 to boot off cd or USB so I can install CentOs. I created a CD with a CentOs ISO on it but the system won't recognize it. Even when I set the settings to only boot from CDrom. I then used UNetbootin to create…
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1 answer

How can I add usbip modules on Redhat 6 kernel?

I have RHEL 6 with # uname -r 2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.x86_64 I'm trying to build usbip modules on staging driver. Everything is OK. I have all needed *.ko files. But I cannot add those modules on running kernel. #…
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Weird Corruption Issue

Windows 7 Professional 750GB Hard drive, no corruption, chkdsk shows now errors. I installed a new internal 1TB hard drive in the laptop. Plugged in the 750GB drive via USB enclusure. I copy over files (a folder of jpgs for instance). If I view…
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Utility that sends an email when usb is unplugged

I work for large university's IT department. We manage around 500 computers in remote labs around campus and residents halls. As an on going project, we are increasing secruty in our labs through physical means (locks, steel cable, alarm systems)…
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1 answer

Multi Platform LAMPP Server on USB Drive

I am trying to setup a simple cross platform server that would be completely portable and work on windows, mac and linux. Some Background: I used to only have a windows desktop. This desktop has ran xampp to power some php scripts that are an…
2 answers

Fix usb device file for a certain USB-Device

I have a problem with a Linux/Ubuntu Desktop machine. The machine is used as a part of a larger setup (a autonomous boat) that relies on four USB-Devices. Three of them are plugged into an USB Hub and one is plugged directly into the machine.…
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1 answer

(Ubuntu Server 11.04) Proftpd permission denied with USB HDDs

I have an external HDD mounted in my server. It's on /dev/sdb1 (or /media/usb0). I have a proftpd user which home directory is set to /media/usb0. The problem is that the ownership of /media/usb0 is root, and I cannot change that. I always get…
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3 answers

Recommendation for a Linux distro that I can install on a USB drive

I have a netbook (no CD drive) that no longer boots. Before I do a factory reset (which is what the manufacturer is telling me I need to do), I want to try and recover my personal data. So I'm looking for a Linux distro that I can install on a USB…
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1 answer

SBS2003 won't acknowledge any USB ports

I've uninstalled/reinstalled/updated the latest drivers for all usb ports. Also, the removable storage service won't stay on.
2 answers

How to get fixed USB device names in Linux

I have a relatively short question concerning USB device handling: How is it possible to map a USB device to a fixed device. I know there are ways using udev rules, but I want complete instructions showing how to do it and what tools to use (if…
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