Questions tagged [ubuntu-10.04]

Ubuntu Linux is a Debian derivative that aims to bring Linux mainstream. Questions on this site should generally refer to Ubuntu Server. Note that is specifically dedicated to Ubuntu questions.

Ubuntu Linux is a Debian derivative that aims to bring Linux mainstream. Ubuntu is named after the South African philosophy of "humanity towards others," and the community observes a Code of Conduct in an effort to keep the project civil and appealing to novices.

Ubuntu versions are released every six months, following a YEAR.MONTH pattern. For example, the release codenamed Maverick was officially published October 10th 2010 as Ubuntu 10.10.

Ubuntu 10.04.x is the LTS edition (Lucid Lynx). It has been designated as a Long Term Support (LTS) release, indicating that it has updates for three years for desktop use and five years for server.

There is a Stack Exchange site dedicated to Ubuntu which is a good place to ask any Ubuntu-related questions.

725 questions
3 answers

Errno::ENOSPC: No space left on device in Ruby on Rails

Iam hosting a Ruby on Rails Application on a Linode with 96 GB storage. All the images of my application are stored on amazon and they are fetched from amazon. Thus my linode should have a minimum of 80 GB storage free. But when the log files of…
Swati Aggarwal
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6 answers

Linux I/O bottleneck with data-movers

I have a 24 core machine with 94.6GiB RAM running Ubuntu server 10.04. The box is experiencing high %iowait, unlike another server we have (4 cores) running the same types and amounts of processes. Both machines are connected to a VNX Raid…
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2 answers

How to define different stop/restart signals with upstart

I am starting to convert all of our systems to using upstart to manage our various application processes. One thing that I am constantly missing is the ability to send a different signal to the process on stop or restart events. For instance, we…
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6 answers

Is it recommended to run Ubuntu Server updates on a live server?

When I ssh into an Ubuntu server which is running a live web site, I see the following messages: 2 packages can be updated. 2 updates are security updates. At that point, I can update and upgrade with the following command: sudo apt-get update sudo…
Thierry Lam
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3 answers

Suggest methods for testing changes to "pam.d/common-*" files

How do I test the changes to the pam.d configuration files: Do I need to restart the PAM service to test the changes? Should I go through every service listed in the /etc/pam.d/ directory? I'm about to make changes to the pam.d/common-* files…
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4 answers

saslauthd authentication error

My server has developed an expected problem where I am unable to connect from a mail client. I've looked at the server logs and the only thing that looks to identify a problem are events like the following: Nov 23 18:32:43 hig3 dovecot: imap-login:…
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2 answers

SNMP Extend not working

I've got a server running Postgresql 9.1 replication. I wrote a script which prints out the current replication lag (master inserts a unix timestamp every 60s, and the slave compares it to the current timestamp). I've added extend replag…
Tom O'Connor
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3 answers

Supervisord appears to be running, but monitored programs aren't launched

I've got supervisord 3.0a8 installed from the system package on ubuntu 10.04 (64bit). The supervisor service appears to be running, but it's not launching the configured programs. Interestingly enough, this exact configuration is running on another…
Brad Montgomery
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2 answers

What to do with suddenly unreachable non-logging EC2 instance?

I have an EC2 "micro instance" running Canonical's Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Has been running for 6-9 months now, infrequently rebooted (once every few weeks at the most). I just did what I thought was a routine aptitude update, aptitude full-upgrade. On…
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2 answers

Forward an email from command line in Linux

I have email files in my Maildir received with postfix server (Ubuntu). Is there a utility that can forward a selected email file to the specified email address? Something like: cat emailfile | utility I tried to use mail command but…
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3 answers

ldapadd/ldapmodify: clarifications needed about these commands

The ldapmodify man page states that: The default for ldapmodify is to modify existing entries Yet when I try to import an LDIF file with ldapmodify I get the below error: ldapmodify: modify operation type is missing at line X Q1: Why, which…
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3 answers

Convert an ext4 partition to ext3 without formatting the HDD

I would like to convert an ext4 partition to ext3 partition without formatting the HDD. Is this possible and recommended?
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1 answer

Tomcat7 PPA for Ubuntu LTS 10.04.2

Does anyone know of a ppa / repo that will install tomcat7. I know I can install from source but I'd rather if possible use a PPA/Repo. I found a nice one for suncoughoracle-java but there does not seem to be anything for tomcat7 as of yet. I've…
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4 answers

Setting up vsftpd, hangs on list command

I installed vsftpd and configured it. When I try to connect to the ftp server using Transmit, it manages to connect but hangs on Listing "/" Then, I get a message stating: Could not retrieve file listing for “/”. Control connection timed out. Does…
3 answers

Ubuntu resolv.conf, not going to next nameserver?

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop, which comes by default with the "Network Manager" (which I am highly suspicious of). I am having an issue with resolving DNS zones on 2 different nameservers. resolv.conf: $ cat /etc/resolv.conf #Generated by…
Cory J
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