Questions tagged [traffic]

298 questions
1 answer

Monitor ppp0 traffic usage with Linux

Hey I'm developing a 3G connected device with a raspberry Pi. My mobile provider allows me to use 50 MB/month. This device will be installed somewhere nobody can have physically access to. My concern is to avoid data traffic overuse. I need a tool…
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what does JYADXW mean as a HTTP verb?

Some jerk attacked my server, and I was reading the logs, when I saw "JYADXW" where the HTTP verb GET/POST/OPTIONS normally reside. What is this request? what does it mean? malicious IP Here - - [26/Sep/2014:06:12:01 -0400] "JYADXW / HTTP/1.1" 403…
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Inbound traffic equals outbound traffic

I'm trying to monitor inbound and outbound traffic using Cacti on Ubuntu Server 14.04.1. I've got it up and running, but the reported data is wrong. When I run 'ifconfig' I get the following: lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet…
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Network traffic simulation with one computer

I have a Linux box with a gigabit Ethernet interface in a local network. With this single computer, I need to simulate HTTP traffic like if it was coming from 20 machines (hence with 20 different IP and MAC addresses) in order to stress-test a…
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Iptables and counters

I'm trying to use iptables counters with munin to monitor traffic of hosts on my local subnet. For each host I set up a rule like this: iptables -I OUTPUT -d $ip This should count the packets going from firewall to $ip, correct? I found out that…
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Email traffic redirect

We have old email servers from our systems from years ago that are no longer around, in our application code are hard coded references to our old email servers. The code cannot be changed easily. Can I use dns service to redirect the traffic from…
3 answers

Architecting a web server hosting mixed small and large (100MB+) static content

I have the challenge of hosting about 200-1000 mp3 files, all in the 100MB+ size range. Furthermore, there are some smaller RSS files, and some smaller JPG files. All this is static content, no PHP, or any sort of scripting. There will be no HTML…
0 answers

Trouble using net_cls control group in tandem with tc for packet filtering

I'm having some trouble limiting network bandwidth using the net_cls control group in conjunction with the linux traffic controller (tc). I think I might just be confused about how I'm writing the filter rules. I figured the easiest way to manage…
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Port level traffic monitoring (with graphs)

I'm looking to monitor traffic (incoming, outgoing and total monthly) on a few ports (mostly TCP) and I've done a ton of Googling around and everything leads to software I either can't manage to use, or I can manage to collect and graph data at the…
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2 answers

Redirect all VPS traffic to another VPS

is there any way to redirect all traffic from one VPS to another one? Example, domain is parked with IP but website, smtp, game server, teamspeak server is hosted on (Ofcourse I could change domain to but I dont want to do…
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Redis: INFO doesn't report network/bandwidth metrics?

Is there a way to get network/bandwidth metrics from a given Redis process? Something I missed in the output of the INFO command? Some patch or compile time configuration option? Or would I need to add some iptables packet counting commands and…
Jim Dennis
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Redirect traffic to another local machine requesting for a certain webpage

I need to redirect traffic, which is requesting for specified address(, to an another machine( located on my local network. The machine that handles the incoming traffic is linux based and running an apache server. The machine…
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High-traffic, low disk utilization AWS solution

I've got a high-traffic (imagine tracking server) node.js server that's going to run on AWS EC2. There is no disk operation involved, but a lot of DynamoDB requests (in same zone), ElastiCache usage and as I said - a lot of network I/O (small…
2 answers

Linux: How to find out which process curently creates the most network traffic?

From time to time connection to my server is very slow. This could be that someone is doing large uploads or downloads. Since I have a lot of software on my server I would like to find out, which process is responsible for the traffic. Is there a…
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Who has traffic data in the Registrar-DNS-Host chain

When you register a domain, typically the registrar will set it up on their default DNS servers and point it to their default web server to serve their default parked page. Obviously the web server (or hosting company) serving out the pages will…
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