Questions tagged [traffic]

298 questions
5 answers

Fancy graphing for network traffic

I'm currently looking for a solution that would allow me to easily graph traffic on a network. Basically what I'm looking for is anything that could actively provide graphs/charts/colors etc. for our management to see "whats going on" in the…
1 answer

Can a server generate traffic without load?

On the server I'm building my app, I have access to the cli. The administrator says that the server I'm working on is used to generate a lot of traffic, in order to flood another server. Lately, I have my console open as long I work on my server, ad…
dole doug
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2 answers

fedora default traffic monitor tool

On a fedora server i have access using a ssh connection. As a regular user, how can I see what traffic is involved into the server? I don't have root rights, and I'll like to learn from the default tools already installed. I assume that all I can…
dole doug
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2 answers

How to configure the server to handle big traffic?

Right now I have 1000 concurrent users online. But my site is very slow. I could have 8000 concurrent users, but the server can't handle the traffic, and I'm losing visitors. My server is a VPS server: Dedicated CPU 7.2GHz RAM 4512MB The memory…
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3 answers

Cost efficient e3fs snapshot

I have a small interesting problem to resolve. I have a dedicated linux box at SoftLayer with 240GB HDD (about 4GB used :), and I need to get its disk image locally at home in order to convert it to VirtualBox format. In order to avoid hitting the…
Yurii Rashkovskii
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1 answer

What is causing the huge network traffic?

I have a virtual machine hosted by Hyper-V, in a physical server provided by Hetzner. The physical server has Windows 2008 R2 Server, and the virual machine has Windows 7 Pro 32-bit. The virtual machine is running IIS and is accessible from outside…
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3 answers

What amount of traffic is normal

For a Ubuntu Samba file server running Apache and an ftp client what amount of network traffic would be normal when no users are connected? I am strictly a Windows admin and have just installed Ubuntu Server for the first time. I am using it as a…
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2 answers

Is subnetting worthwhile\possible to seperate out VOIP in my situation?

I'm ballparking the numbers here, but I have 50+ machines and around 30 hard VoIP devices. Unfortunately, 10 or so PCs use the 100Mb pass-through port from the VoIP phones and 2 PCs use softphones (+sales guys use softphones when out of the office…
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0 answers

Linux calculate traffic per user

I have ubuntu server with several processes (some java, some scripting) accessing the internet. Every process runs under it own user. I would like to find out stats about network usage for these users. How can I configure this in ubuntu? thank you
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1 answer

Limiting broadcast traffic illogically. What are the downsides?

We've been thinking through re-arranging the end-user network and VLAN configuration. We're currently doing things in a way that isn't quite typical, but given that it is working, we're hesitant to try things a different way. Our primary goal is…
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1 answer

Can I create a IPSEC rule between two servers and still allow normal external traffic?

Simple enough really. Can I create a IPSEC rule/filter between two publically available servers (they are actually on the same network) while still allow external traffic to the same resources. I'll try to give as much info as possible: Web Server…
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3 answers

How to collect concise traffic statistics on linux?

I need to have statistics divided by time periods, like this: time_1 - time_1 + 5mins from_ip1 > to_ip2 total_packages_size1 from_ip3 > to_ip4 total_packages_size2 time_1 + 5mins - time_1 + 10mins from_ip1 > to_ip2 total_packages_size3 from_ip5…
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2 answers

TCPDUMP = How to detect and analyse "Suspicious" Traffic to Addresses?

I just played a little bit with tcpdump (as I wanted to check why my mails are not getting send) and thereby discovered very strange and a lot of traffic to the "Private IPs". Please See examples below: 05:11:23.639588 IP >…
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4 answers

whats the best way to find out how much traffic you have?

Sorry I'm a newbie to this. I'm using a Linux server with Plesk. I just wanted to find out what is the best way to find out how much traffic there is to a website, when resources are running out, and when to get a new server after optimisation.…
Solomon Saleh
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2 answers

High RAM usage for Such low trafficked site?

I have a site that users can listen to mp3 audios using a flash player. I have about 500 to 600 people visiting each day. The VPS specs are: RAM 1024MB Swap 2048MB Disk 40GB Here is a screenshot of my top command ordered by memory usage. I am…
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