Questions tagged [tomcat6]

Open source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation

Tomcat 6, an open source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation, was first released in 2006.

Version 6.0 implements the Servlet 2.5 and JavaServer Pages 2.1 specifications from the Java Community Process.

See also:

283 questions
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Installing wildcard SSL Certificate on Tomcat 6 and 7

I have followed the information given in the goDaddy web-site to get the SSL certificate and installing it but Not successful. I created the keystore: keytool -keysize 2048 -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore…
0 answers

Restricting HTTPS for Tomcat Deployment manager

As a PCI requirement, I wanted to get the tomcat deployment manager on HTTPS as the password was flowing in plain-text. I tried few resources like this. My current connector is as given below:
2 answers

Is is better to host two different websites on one tomcat instance?

Is is better to host two different websites on one tomcat instance? OR One tomcat instance for each website?
1 answer

how to install apache tomcat service on windows server 2012 R2

I'm attempting to install apache-tomcat-6.0.20.exe on windows server 2012 R2. It is being installed on a default amazon aws windows server 2012 R2 image. I am using jre version jdk-6u17-windows-i586.exe. Yes, these are old installs. But the app I am…
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CentOS, Tomcat 6 failed and won't start - java issue?

Linux isn't my strong suit so bear with me if this seems a little newbish. I have a virtual linux box rented, has CentOS (not sure which version) and Apache with Tomcat 6. Over the past 24 hours, the Tomcat process failed and will not start again. I…
Sean W.
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2 answers

How to configure Tomcat WebApp to accept credentials from Apache

I am attempting to get a web application, running in Tomcat 6, to authorize a user that was authenticated by Apache. I have configured Apache 2.4 to use Active Directory for user authentication (using a module from Centrify) and ProxyPass /…
1 answer

Can't seem to get mod_jk to forward 443 to tomcat?

I'm pretty new to Apache and Tomcat, and I'm finding myself working with it a lot of my job, so I'm having to learn as I go. One thing I struggle with a lot is mod_jk, and I'm pretty stumped by an issue I'm having right now. I'm trying to use apache…
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Java Webapp on Tomcat6 using libservlet3

I am quite new to all this Java stuff. I Installed a bunch of War-Packed Webapps on a Ubuntu Machine with tomcat6. One of them does not work (skos-play), apparently because it needs libservlet3 and Tomcat6 comes with libservlet2.5. For the other…
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Specifiying Cipher Suites in Tomcat6 not working

I'm trying to specify which cipher suites should be used in my Tomcat configuration like so:
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Locking down Jenkins on port 8080

My colleague has installed Jenkins on one of our test servers. When I access the server ip and port 8080, Jenkins is running i.e. 99.999.999.999:8080 I want to lock down the Jenkins application to the outside world and only have it available from…
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2 answers

Where should I put tomcat external libraries?

I'm trying to run scala applications under tomcat, and whenever I use standard java stuff, I seem okay. However, when I do things like string concatenation or sequence generation, I get weird errors for NoClassDefFound... My first thoughts are that…
Stefan Kendall
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0 answers

Apache Rewrite of HTTPS on another specific port with hidden subdirectory

I have a Tomcat behind an Apache server and I would like to use the https request to be rewritten to the Tomcat on port 9001 with a hidden subfolder /test. hosts entry: I tried the following in different configurations…
Cris V.
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1 answer

Tomcat6 failed to restart

I have tomcat6 installed with Geoserver 7 on it. After trying to restart error appears in catalina.out java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class java.util.Currency at…
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1 answer

Starting tomcat causes " ../logs/dc.log (No such file or directory)" in catalina.out

I have been seeing this for literally years as part of tomcat apps, and now that I have gone through the steps to investigate it, I can't find the cause. Here's what I see whenever I start tomcat on CentOS servers running various applications: May…
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1 answer

Tomcat resources not resolving correctly

I'm trying to deploy MITRE's OpenID Connect Java Spring Server using Tomcat. My server's FQDN is I've compiled the MITRE server and placed the .war file into the Tomcat webapps directory. When I visit…
Ryan Kennedy
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