Questions tagged [tomcat6]

Open source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation

Tomcat 6, an open source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation, was first released in 2006.

Version 6.0 implements the Servlet 2.5 and JavaServer Pages 2.1 specifications from the Java Community Process.

See also:

283 questions
2 answers

mapping my EC2 instance to the

I am newbie to concepts like Cname, A record and all. I am running a EC2 instance with tomcat6. Now I need to map my java based application to I just went through few documents and FAQ's. I attached a elastic IP and mapped that…
Jeevan Dongre
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1 answer

Run a cron job as the tomcat user

I want to be able to run a cron job as the tomcat6 user. I tried to su tomcat6 but I don't know the default password for that user. Should I run them as tomcat6 (if I can find out the password - this is on Ubunbu 9.04) or run them as another user…
Wallace Sean
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1 answer

Managing deployment to Tomcat to minimize downtime

In the past when I needed to run something on Tomcat, I just made a .war file and deployed it. While that is a common way to do things in the Tomcat world (it seems), I was taking a hit with downtime when I was trying to deploy a new .war file. The…
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1 answer

How to debug POST issue related to Squid / Tomcat on Ubuntu / EC2?

I am running a Tomcat server (6.0.28) on a Ubuntu (10.10) with APR enabled (direct on port 80 without any Web server fronting). When I submit a page from the browser and the POST data is big (> 1444 bytes), the request fails and I get a "504"…
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3 answers

Running Tomcat6 on port 80 on Ubuntu LTS 10.04.2

I've recent un-installed apache2 so I could run Tomcat6 on port 80 directly. I've been pulling my hair out trying to get this set up correctly. I've read this post regarding setting up tomcat to use authbind. I tried that method, and instead of…
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I am not able to see the stdout and stderr log files in the tomcat/log directory?

all the error messages are being displayed in console. i want the tomcat to print in log files stdout and stderr .. how to configure that?(i am using windows XP)
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1 answer

can't start tomcat on vps - java VM error "could not reserve enough space for object heap"

I can't start tomcat6 on my VPS (which has 256 MB, 512 MB burst and uses currently only 20MB of it). the log entry shows: Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual…
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1 answer

Rewriting URL for tomcat through an apache AJP connector

I've tried several attempts to resolve this, but all have come up naught. Currently I have apache setup to forward all urls at and past the /portal/ tag to tomcat. Unfortunately, tomcat receives these requests through /portal/appName, a subdirectory…
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1 answer

Proper procedure to replace VeriSign certificates in Tomcat

I have been having some issues at a client site renewing an SSL cert that previously worked fine. I am familiar with the keytool JDK command line app, and it was how I installed the intermediate CA and SSL cert in the keystore the first…
1 answer

Nginx ssl redirection of images

I am trying to set up nginx as reverse proxy for a tomcat server using SSL connection. I want the client's browser to load my tomcat application when nginx reverse proxy's IP is called from client's browser. My tomcat application's address is…
1 answer

Auto-deploy WAR to arbitrary URL on Tomcat

How can I auto-deploy a WAR file (created by Play! framework, by the way) to Tomcat 6, but on an arbitrary URL such as "/sub/url", and without changing the WAR filename? I know I can simply upload it as "sub#url.war" and Tomcat will automatically…
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1 answer

how to correctly download tomcat 6 on centos 5.5

i am a big confused about how to install tomcat 6 on centos 5.5 final. this is what i am trying to do: # cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ # wget # yum install tomcat6 tomcat6-webapps tomcat6-admin-webapps but when i type the…
1 answer

trouble running multiple domains on tomcat behind apache via mod_jk

I am having trouble setting up tomcat6 with 2 virtual hosts, behind apache2. if i have just one host defined in tomcat, and one jk worker, everything works fine. as soon as i define another jk worker and a corresponding tomcat host i get this error…
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3 answers

How to get html/css/jpg pages server by both apache & tomcat with mod_jk

I've apache2 and tomcat6 both running on port 80 with mod_jk setup on ubutnu servers. I had to setup an error document 503 ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance.html in the apache configuration and somehow I managed to get it work and the error page is…
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2 answers

How do I configure tomcat6 with a host name?

I'm trying to deploy the WAR file of Apache Shindig to an apt-installed Tomcat 6 server on Ubuntu 10.04. Unfortunately, when it writes out things like