Questions tagged [tomcat6]

Open source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation

Tomcat 6, an open source web server developed by the Apache Software Foundation, was first released in 2006.

Version 6.0 implements the Servlet 2.5 and JavaServer Pages 2.1 specifications from the Java Community Process.

See also:

283 questions
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How can I use CORS with tomcat6?

How do I install and enable CORS for Tomcat 6? There is lots of documentation out there for Tomcat 7 or later, and lots assuming you already have the CORS filter jar file, but none that start with telling you where to download jar for Tomcat 6. …
Tony B
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2 answers

allowing access to Tomcat 6 manager on specific interface only

I have Tomcat 6 installed on a server with multiple network interfaces; one is public-facing, and the other is on our internal network. Is there a way to configure Tomcat such that internal users are allowed to (attempt to) log in to the manager…
Dan O
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1 answer

Cannot authenticate with Kerberos if both client and server on the same machine

I have a Tomcat webapp that supports Kerberos authentication. It works fine and I can log in to that app if I use a built-in account like LOCAL SYSTEM or NETWORK SERVICE, but I'm having problems with setting up a non-default domain account for…
2 answers

symbol xmlOutputBufferGetSize, version LIBXML2_2.9.0 not defined in file with link time reference

I've installed Apache2 and PHP5 via apt-get on Ubuntu 14 (amd64), Tomcat 6, and Postgres 8.4. I get this error message on an attempted restart: apache2: Syntax error on line 140 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of…
4 answers

Can't login to Manager App in Tomcat 6.0.18

Folks, I can't login to the manager app (localhost:8080/manager/html) in my Tomcat. More specifically, it asks for my username and password, and the ones supposed to be correct aren't accepted. Here's what I already checked: I tried editing my…
Rafael Almeida
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Tomcat 6 uses old, non-existing web.xml

I have a weird issue with Tomcat 6 and OpenGrok webapp, Tomcat seems to use some old, nowadays non-existing web.xml. I'm trying to add some roles for access control to the web.xml, but Tomcat never takes the new web.xml into use. I've tried deleting…
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How to handle POODLE vulnerabilities on web service running on tomcat 6.0

I have a web service which is running on Tomcat 6.0, Java 7. The Connector uses the JSSE configuration. Below is what the connector in the server.xml file looks like, with a few modifications:
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0 answers takes more memory takes more memory as per new relic Thread profiler. The memory utilization never reduced even in idle time. It seems there is a memory leak in this class. Could you please help me to debug little more?
Selvakumar P
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Our tomcat just crashed due to classnotfound, not sure how to investigate

Our server has been in production for years without issues, but today it crashed out of the blue. Last in the logs: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: aasxknsakadskdskdskdsakmxxads Caused by:…
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2 answers

EC2 instance running apache tomcat not accessible from outside

I have a 64-bit amazon linux instance in aws. I am running apache tomcat6 running on that machine. sudo fuser -v -n tcp 8080 USER PID ACCESS COMMAND 8080/tcp: tomcat 2492 F.... java If I do curl…
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1 answer

Tomcat service dies on startup

I have added the following arguments to the JVM options for a Tomcat Windows service: However, it now dies on…
Robin Green
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1 answer

Tomcat application Server (V 6.0.28) security issue

As we are using apache tomcat server version 6.0.28. [Problem Statement] While using tomcat version (6.0.28),we have faced few security vulnerability issues in this version(6.0.28). Below are the issues…
0 answers

how to check which forward secrecy cipher is enabled in tomcat 6.0.28 while I use TLSv1.0 protocol?

I am using tomcat 6.0.28 and using TLSv1.0 ssl protocol only. I have configured ciphers as…
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Where do I find the SSL configuration for a tomcat 6 web server?

I've inherited a small secure web application that runs on a single Tomcat 6 web server on a machine running Amazon Linux. I need to disable the SSLv3 fallback, but I just can't find where the HTTPS configuration is located (e.g. path to the pem…
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Tomcat failed to start - Port being used while nothing is really using that port

Currently i have an issue with my tomcat application where it always mentioned that port is being used. The thing is, this issue only happened sporadically and whenever this issue happened, i did run a netstat command and seems that the port is not…