Questions tagged [tmpwatch]

9 questions
2 answers

Why are files being removed from /tmp?

I use centOS5, but these files of /tmp is deleted automatically when time passes. What kind of structure will this kill him in? In addition, How to stop this?
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Does Ubuntu Server have any sort of cron job to automatically clear /tmp?

I know it clears out /tmp on reboots, but I haven't been able to find any sort of cron job on my server that clears /tmp. I recently set up a script that writes lots of files to /tmp and my server usually goes several months between reboots so I'm…
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tmpreaper, --protect and a non-root user

I'm a little confused. I have a download directory that I want to remove all files older then 30 days with tmpreaper. Just one problem, the directory in question is a separate partition with a lost+found directory, of course I need to keep it so I…
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How to use wildcard in tmpwatch path

Wildcard does not seem to work in exclude path provided to tmpwatch. I have following dir structure inside /tmp drwxr-xr-x 2 vrisbud developers 4096 May 17 15:36 AssetEnumeratorTest drwxr-xr-x 2 vrisbud developers 4096 May 17 15:37…
0 answers

Using tmpwatch in conjunction with ClamAV

I would like to use tmpwatch to regularly clear out old unused files that build up in our /tmp directory. I'd prefer to use the default tmpwatch settings where files in /tmp are deleted only if they have not been accessed for the last 10 days. I…
Elliot B.
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tmpwatch not deleting folders and mp3 files in /tmp

I have a process which moves files from our EC2 server to s3, we're not sure why but it stores them in /tmp whilst moving them, but for some reason it also leaves them there once the process has completed. This would be fine if tmpwatch deleted…
Danny Shepherd
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preventing tmpwatch from clobbering archives that were "just" unpacked into /tmp

I have an application that unpacks an archive into /tmp, restoring the extracted files' modification and access times. Sometimes these files and the enclosing archive are many years old. After the files are extracted (sometimes many minutes or…
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/usr/sbin/tmpwatch -am 1 /tmp/nginx_client not cleaning nginx temporary files

I installed nginxcp (A nginx plugin for cpanel). They recommend to add the following cron job to clean the temp files. 0 */1 * * * /usr/sbin/tmpwatch -am 1 /tmp/nginx_client But it does't work. Even running the command /usr/sbin/tmpwatch -am 1…
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How to cleaning up /tmp

I have a CentOS web server with many clients on it. I see the /tmp reached DISKCRITICAL just after about two months since I made 8 GB (after expansion from 4 GB)! I want to know the reasons that make tmp getting full so quickly, and how to clean it…