Questions tagged [tcpreplay]

15 questions
3 answers

How to reproduce http traffic of a real site in another environment (e.g. VM)

There is a bug in my web application which I cannot reproduce. All the logs look ok or at least I cannot see anything unusual. But it happens. So I thought I could record all the traffic to/from my web site waiting for the bug to happen and having…
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Existing TCP Relay Solutions

I have a scenario which requires the use of a TCP Relay. Before I set out to write something custom, I wanted to see if anyone knows of existing software that can do this for me. I have 2 devices on separate networks that cannot connect to each…
Val Blant
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2 answers

GUI tool for packet replay

Is there a freeware Windows/Linux GUI packet replay tool that has the advanced features of tcpreplay ( or bittwist ( I'm particularly interested in the following features: Open pcap…
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Tcpreplaying using VMware

This is more like a testbed setup question. I want to use VMware to debug some networking code in the linux kernel in the VM. My VM has two network interfaces. What I want to do is replay the capture file in the host and receive the packets in the…
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Other PCAP network software other than TCPREPLAY?

I would like to find out if there are more other useful softwares with the same functions or more like TCPREPLAY which has the ability to "playback" PCAP files? Thanks for your suggestions!
1 answer

(Completely) randomize IP addresses in PCAP file

I have several PCAP files which contain network traffic. To perform some experiments for a network experiment, I need real data with completely randomized IP addresses. I am well aware about the possibilities of tcprewrite, which can be used with…
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tcpreplay throughput on eth0 well below (iperf confirmed) max

I'm trying to replay captured UDP multicast packets at a rate of a couple of hundreds of Mbps, but it maxes out at about 86 Mbps. (For some strange reason, at other times during the day it consistently maxes out at one tenth of that rate, about 8.8…
Evgeniy Berezovsky
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replay decrypted ssl traffic with tcpreplay

I have an pcap format from some https traffic from one of my web-servers. So I can use the key from my webserver to decrypt the traffic in wireshark. The problem I'm now facing is that I can't get an unencrypted pcap file from wireshark. I want to…
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1 answer

Freeradius server is not accepting accounting packets through tcpreplay

I am running a free radius server on system A. I am sending test accounting requests using radclient radclient -x systemA acct testing123 from system B. I can see that the radius server recieved these requests from its debug logs. I had saved these…
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1 answer

Replaying pcap file for Snort

I currently have the following, presumably standard, setup: I have a physical server with Snort running. Snort logs into its log files as it should. Those files are tracked by barnyard2 which writes the traffic to a database for Snorby. Snort and…
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2 answers

What is the right way to temporarily disable/enable PMTU Discovery on a Linux box?

I've a few pcaps that contain packets larger than standard ethernet MTU size of 1500B. I searched about this and found refs pointing towards Jumbo Frames. I now understand that since I'm on a GBE network that supports sending Jumbo frames (upto 9k),…
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1 answer

how I can Specifying tcpreplay speed

I am tring to Specify tcpreplay speed but I can't do it this is my detail of test: $tcpreplay -V tcpreplay version: 3.4.4 (build 2450) 1)$ tcpreplay -i %0 -p 100 -L 500 _udp_only.pcap Actual: 500 packets (42247 bytes) sent in 5.05 seconds.Rated:…
1 answer

How can I tunnel multicast traffic?

I am trying to receive multicast on 1 machine, forward it to another machine, and then replay it on that machine. test_env: the machine which has access to the original multicast stream mcast_sender: the machine which I'm trying to forward the…
Steve Lorimer
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1 answer

PCAP traffic frame length short

I'm trying to make traffic and capture it using pcap file. I get pcap file from CAIDA( site. This pcap file too big and doesn't have ethernet header. So i splitted pcap file to small size(40 MB) by using editcap and attach ethernet header…
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docker containaer promiscuous mode partially working

I have strange virtual (docker bridges) networking condition I have two dockers connected to the same bridge via docker-compose. One docker is "probe" and one is "injector". Injector uses tcpreplay to replay capture and "probe" should receive it via…
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