Questions tagged [targetcli]

5 questions
0 answers

iPXE sanboot starts slowly with " Did not receive response to NOPIN on CID"

Environment: - CentOS 7 with kernel 3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7.x86_64 - targetcli version 2.1.fb49 - isc-dhcpd-4.2.5 - iPXE version 1.20.1+ and 1.0.0+ I have a CentOS 7 server which can serve Window 10 boot over iSCSI with on-board 1G ethernet port…
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1 answer

iSCSI LUN from Centos mapped to xenserver is keep on disappearing

I'm trying to set up an ISCSI box for shared storage to connect to my xenserver environment. I am using Centos 7 as iSCSI storage. I am using targetcli for iSCSI configuration. I can set up everything just fine, the xenserver machine will connect…
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1 answer

Single host connecting to two iSCSI targets - Linux

I have one node set as initiator and two separate targets, each one on a different node. How do I connect to the second target on node? I'm trying to figure out how it should be done. My initiator…
0 answers

In running iSCSI, Disk I/O get worse when default gateway is connected

The server has been running iSCSI service for the diskless client, and I have noticed that the connection of server's gateway(internet connection or a fake gateway) made iSCSI performance worse. Is there anybody who has experienced this OR who could…
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1 answer

How to disable IPv4 and enable only IPv6 on arm Linux target?

I am testing bind9 dns server for AAAA records. I would like to disable IPv4 to stop dns requests going to my default ipv4 dns server. In the resolv.conf i have added domain nameserver xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::xxxx search…