Questions tagged [syntax]

64 questions
1 answer

SyntaxError at phyton script

I try to run an python script but I get errors. File "./", line 41 r = requests.put('%s/%s.ics' % (base_url, uid) verify=False), SyntaxError: invalid syntax How must i add the verify=false in this script part? This is the…
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1 answer

Proper syntax for monitoring an IP in .conf files, Icinga2

I currently have the code object Host "rqbhost" { address = "xx.xx.xx.xx" check_command = "hostalive" } object Service "ping4" { host_name = "rqbhost" check_command = "ping4" } object Service "http" { host_name = "rqbhost" check_command =…
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2 answers

Please help me understand useradd example's syntax

I've been doing some research on how to add a user to the system so as to have a new ftp user and one of the examples I ran across was this: useradd -m -G users,ftp,wheel joe -s /bin/bash passwd joe chown -R joe /var/www/ I'm new to Linux and I…
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1 answer

what is SSH, how to learn it's syntax and

i want to know what SSH really is ? does it work with all servers ? (linux or win based) what's the reference to learn it's syntax. and is there a way to experience it on local machine ?
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