In a laravel project I have a storage folder and inside it, I have an app folder (normally). So the full path is: /var/www/html/myproject/storage/app

Now I have a file server and I wish to serve the app folder from there. Thus I've set up an NFS server and mounted the folder into /var/nfs/mounted/app folder and created a link (ln -s /var/nfs/mounted/app /var/www/html/myproject/storage/app)

With this the project works like a charm, all the files exist. However, git keeps telling me the files are commited for deletion. No matter what I've tried to put into .gitignore, I've been ignored (badum tsss) So far, the following was tried:

  • /storage/*
  • **/storage
  • /storage/app
  • /storage/app/*

Any other ideas?

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