Questions tagged [stunnel]

Stunnel is a small tool that can wrap the connection of other protocols with SSL/TLS.

Stunnel is a free software based on OpenSSL providing a SSL/TLS encryption wrapper between remote clients and a local or remote server. It can be used to add SSL functionality to commonly used inetd daemons like POP2, POP3, and IMAP servers without any changes in the programs' code. Stunnel uses the OpenSSL library for cryptography, so it supports whatever cryptographic algorithms are compiled into the library.

For more information, see the homepage of the project at

152 questions
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Apache not forwarding to HAProxy

Scenario: I have a mobile application that needs to talk to a service hosted by an IBM Datapower appliance. However, the Datapower appliance requires bi-directional SSL and that will not work for the mobile app. So, my solution was to run an…
1 answer

stunnel with TLS for POP3 and SMTP: config is?

Have used stunnel successfully for years over SSLv3. Simple config works with older stunnel and SSLv3: [noteworthypop] accept = 110 connect = [noteworthysmtp] accept = 25 connect = However, this…
1 answer

Redis security using stunnel and AUTH

Im a redis newbie but want to make sure everything is setup securely as we deal with medical info. I have a few EC2 instances. One of which is a server that runs two redis instances, one for a dev server and one for production. It also runs a…
Micah Smith
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Https on HAproxy 1.4 using stunnel

I'm running a load balancing server with HAproxy and implementing Https using stunnel on the same machine, on the actual webpages end i've got 2 diferent webs, A and B, with similar behaviour. Here are the configurations for Stunnel: sslVersion =…
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Why does stunnel keep on reading the old pem file?

I've updated the pem file using the rekeyed certificate. But upon checking the certificate information through various SSL checkers, the old certificate was being read. I tried reloading the stunnel configuration file (stunnel…
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End to end encryption with CQ5 and Dispatcher

I am currently working on an Adobe CQ5 (CMS) application that will be serving sensitive information, so communications should be encrypted using SSL end-to-end. The problem is that it is not currently possible for a Dispatcher (caching reverse…
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set _SERVER["HTTPS"] to yes with stunnel Haproxy Nginx

I am trying to set the _SERVER["HTTPS"] php variable to yes on my web servers. Actually, https trafic come to stunnel which forward it to haproxy which forward it to my web servers running under nginx. Trying to add this in haproxy.cfg: reqidel…
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apache authentication stunnel

Apache is listening on port 80 and redirecting everything to https, which is handled by stunnel. If I put in authentication in it redirects before it does the authentication. Is there a way to handle this? Listen 80
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nginx: 502 bad gateway while using node.js varnish and stunnel

I've been following this tutorial, and everything seems to run OK, except for my nginx setup. My node.js application runs on port 1337, varnish runs on port 80, stunnel on 443 and nginx on 8080. I can reach my app correctly when i specify the port…
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How to configure Stunnel to work with Internet explorer

My application works in the following way: The browsers are configured with a local proxy which is an instance of Stunnel running in Client mode that connects to a remote server to another instance of Stunnel running in Server mode that directs the…
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Configuring stunnel to work on port 5555

Am trying to integrate a payment gateway on a site, and the gateway provider requires that requires must secured with ssl, they also recommended the use of stunnel. I have installed stunnel and configure the stunnel program to work on windows. But…
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SSH over stunnel with secret public (client) ssl certificate

I am in a situation where I cannot have passwordless login for ssh and ssh server could not be run over any other port other than the default port. So, I have chosen to use stunnel to tunnel ssh. On my personal pc I use stunnel on client mode and…
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3 answers

Architecture question: adding SSL into the mix

Currently we have a configuration that at the highest level looks like this: [Traffic] -> Varnish (caching) -> HaProxy (load balancing) -> Apache (content and services) There are (obviously?) multiple Apache servers and in general they provide two…
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End to End SSL connection using Haproxy?

I want to know about how Haproxy reacts when I want to make the HTTPS connection over the server. In apache we have aj_proxy to make a ssl connection to tomcat server, so how that functionality can be maintained using stunnel. We are using Haproxy…
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1 answer

nginx: server_name and server_addr wrong with reverse proxy in front of it

I have stunnel in front of nginx in order to handle ssl. (I'm aware that nginx can handle ssl, but I'm migrating off nginx and this is a necessary step.) Stunnel and nginx are running on the same box. Without stunnel in front of nginx, nginx got the…
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