Have used stunnel successfully for years over SSLv3. Simple config works with older stunnel and SSLv3:

accept  = 110
connect = secure.emailsrvr.com:995

accept = 25
connect = secure.emailsrvr.com:465

However, this config is not working for me now that rackspace shut off SSL v3.

We updated to the current stunnel (5.07), which has TLS support. We run stunnel on a windows 2008 server.

Above conf does not work. Adding protocol lines makes no difference. E.g.

client = yes
accept  = 110
connect = secure.emailsrvr.com:995
protocol = pop3

client = yes
accept = 25
connect = secure.emailsrvr.com:465
protocol = smtp

When attempting pop, the log shows:

2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG7[2800]: Service [noteworthypop] accepted (FD=356) from
2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG7[2800]: Creating a new thread
2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG7[2800]: New thread created
2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG7[3232]: Service [noteworthypop] started
2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG5[3232]: Service [noteworthypop] accepted connection from
2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG6[3232]: s_connect: connecting
2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG7[3232]: s_connect: s_poll_wait waiting 10 seconds
2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG5[3232]: s_connect: connected
2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG5[3232]: Service [noteworthypop] connected remote server from
2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG7[3232]: Remote socket (FD=360) initialized
2014.11.06 14:25:01 LOG7[3232]: RFC 2595 detected

But it sits. The pop client gets no action, nothing happens.

Suggestions welcome!

Thank you!

1 Answers1


The answer: Try lots of things until something works.

The "protocol" entry actually broke things.

This works:

client = yes
accept = 110
connect = secure.emailsrvr.com:995

client = yes
accept = 25
connect = secure.emailsrvr.com:465