Questions tagged [stdout]

66 questions
1 answer

stdout does not display `rpm -qa` output without redirect

On a SLES 12 virtual machine the command rpm -qa does not return anything to stdout. ~> rpm -qa ~> The command finishes after 1 or 2 seconds, so it clearly generates some data. Only when the output is redirected to a file or through a pipe it…
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Linux does STDOUT | STDIN piping write data to disk?

I was planning on passing encryption keys to zfs load-key pool/set through stdin. The keys passed are generated by another program in HEX format and dataset is configured to have keylocation=prompt, keyformat=hex so the key can be passed through…
1 answer

Unable to write to `stderr` or `stdout` from Kubernetes pod to pod logs

I'm trying to debug why my application logs aren't being picked up by Promtail for ingestion into Loki. In order to exclude the complexities of my PHP application logging being the culprit, I'm simply trying to print a message to the stderr stream…
1 answer

stdout and stderr from bash execution to other machine?

Is it possible to send stderr or stdout from a linux machine to ubuntu linux machine using at best wget or other common package at worse ( hopefully not ssh access ) ? So far i can find a way to "stream" stdout and stderr to other machine.
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autostart rc.local 2>&1 redirect, 'open /dev/tty: No such device or address'

I'm trying to execute this command with rc.local: wget http://address/file -P /root/ 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 awk '/[.] +[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?%/ { print substr($0,63,3) }' | whiptail --gauge "Progress" 6 78 0 Above command shows percentage of download some…
3 answers

Redirecting process output to a file per date

I'm currently redirecting all my service's standard output (stdout and stderr) to a single file, by starting is as such: java blablaargs &> service.out SVCPID=$! However, that file grows quite large. Is it possible, without changing the service…
Bart van Heukelom
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