Questions tagged [stdout]

66 questions
1 answer

Ansible loops and conditions with arrays

I want to be able to control the behaviour of a module by specifying a changed_when condition. This works fine when executing a simple task like the one in the docs: - command: some command register: command_result changed_when:…
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How to append unix timestamp to each line output file

I'm running the following command and storing the stdout into a text file. I need to add unix timestamp to each line output file to figure out start and end time of each operation. $ ./bin/ycsb load mongodb -s -P workloads/workloada -p…
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Losing stdout when process restarts itself in windows

I have for example a NodeJS process running with Nodemon, and all the output redirected to a file. nodemon > 123.log When I change any file in the node app, the NodeJS process is restarting itself and after that all log messages go to…
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Display only the last line of a windows command line executable

I'm trying to write a batch script that manages simple software deployments. One of the steps in the script compresses a file structure into a 7zip archive. During the compression process, the z7ip command line application outputs the current file…
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suppress output of hping in Linux

I wish to suppress all output to stdout (console) from hping3 from a bash script, but everything I try results in the statistics still being displayed, even tho the individual ping results are suppressed. I've tried redirecting different ways,…
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stdout, stderr, and what else? (going insane parsing slapadd output)

I am using slapadd to restore a backup. That backup contains 45k entries which takes a while to restore so I need to get some progress update from slapadd. Luckily for me there is the -v switch which gives an output similar to this one: added:…
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Command to execute another command while replaying the command on STDOUT

It's not easy to formulate the question properly, maybe it helps when I describe what I'd like to do. I want to execute a command and pipe it's output into a tool called pastebinit which uploads the STDOUT output to pastebin. That works very well,…
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3 answers

Redirect cronjob STDOUT and STDERR to /dev/null not working

I'm baffled as to why this isn't working. I've tried redirecting STDOUT and STDERR using "&>" and also "2>&1" and neither seems to work. I still get e-mailed by this cron job (every minute!) with smbclient complaining that there are no files in the…
Aaron C. de Bruyn
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Windows XP, pipe StdOut to Commandline

As an example, I would like the following commands to put a dir listing with all subdirectories to StdOut copy con test /s^Z dir `test` So, after lines one and two, there's a file in the current directory called test containing /s. Line three…
2 answers

Can't redirect awk output to a file... tried everything

I created a nice little command to measure data bandwidth consumption over a metered connection (excluding local traffic): sudo iftop -i enp1s0 -f 'not (src net (10 or 172.16/12 or 192.168/16) and dst net (10 or 172.16/12 or 192.168/16))' -t -L1 2>…
1 answer

Redirect rpccclient output

This is such a simple task I must be overlooking something. I am using rpcclient to dump some data and I cannot seem to figure out how to redirect the output to a file. The standard > doesn't seem to work when I am in the tool and I do not see…
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Bash command stdout

I'm trying to get a software version by using the bash script. The Command is simple: /usr/local/sbin/keepalived -v This is the output: Keepalived v2.0.13 (02/18,2019), git commit v2.0.12-53-ga9ed1993+ Copyright(C) 2001-2019 Alexandre Cassen,…
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Short syntax to display all Nginx logs at once aesthetically, in stdout

This is how I display all Nginx logs at once aesthetically (with headings and spacing), in stdout, for comfortable debugging. Input: printf '\n\n General: \n\n'; nginx -t; printf '\n\n Access: \n\n'; tail /var/log/nginx/access.log; printf '\n\n…
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Dovecot quota-warning executable can not log to stdout

I'm running dovecot with DB based userdb and passdb inside a docker container using the s6-overlay. Everything runs very well. Now I tried to add quota warnings and run into a problem with logging to /dev/stdout. Error message Whenever the warning…
0 answers

Tomcat has stopped generating stdout logs

We have tomcat server in our production environment. Suddenly tomcat has stopped generating stdout logs. Last generated log by tomcat is one month ago and the size of stdout log file is 5006 KB. What is the reason behind there is no stdout log…
Pawan Patil
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