Questions tagged [starttls]

STARTTLS is the SMTP command to connect to email servers securely over TLS (formerly SSL). Use with an email server tag like [postfix], [exchange], etc.

106 questions
1 answer

Validate email address at my own domain with gmail

I need to have the ability to send email using gmail's web interface, but have them appear to originate from my own domain instead of originating at a gmail address. In order to do this, gmail asks for my smtp server's information (url, account,…
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SVN Edge not authenticating correctly with domain controller

SVN Edge (version 4.0.10-3880.131) not authenticating correctly with domain controller. I have SVN Edge setup and working perfectly when I use LDAP Security Level of NONE.. However when set to SSL, TLS, or STARTTLS. I get a wrong username/password…
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Does Google require TLS on port 587? Exchange 2010 SMTP has mail sent to GMAIL backed up in queue

Exchange 2010 SMTP has mail backed up in queue. Any email sent to Gmail sits in the queue while any email sent to another personal domain which has email filtering enabled errors, " gave this error: sorry, relay of mail is not…
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Postfix still complains that "certificate verification failed" even when "smtp_tls_security_level = fingerprint"

I'm attempting to use Postfix (version 2.6.6 on RHEL6) to connect to and send mail via a mail relay on our internal network. I want to connect with STARTTLS on port 25 (port 465 is not available on this server). The mail relay uses a self-signed…
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How can I enforce TLS in sendmail when I don't necessarily know the hostname of the downstream MTA (only IPs)? [e.g. by recipients' domain]

I'm running SendMail 8.14 and have some custom static routes for sending to certain domains. These domains are "internal" but not managed directly by me. Here's an example of /etc/mail/mailertable: …
Mike B
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Does Exchange 2010 encrypt inbound and outbound email traffic by default?

The higher ups have recently asked about this as I'm sure there are compliance issues that need to be addressed. I was under the assumption that Exchange uses opportunistic TLS or StartTLS to try to encrypt all outbound emails and falls back to…
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2 answers

SMTP server requires STARTTLS

I am using fetchmial. Below is my configuration. I want the retrieved emails to be sent to my gmail address. But I encountered an error below. Could someone help me with this? Thank you in advance. configuration: poll…
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2 answers

How secure is using "Normal password" for SMTP with connection type = STARTTLS?

I'm using an email client for the first time - for the most part I've always used gmail via the web interface. Now I'm setting up thunderbird to connect to an email server of my own (on my own server, own domain name, etc). The server machine (and…
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TLS/SSL on http (80) with STARTTLS

I'm researching the reason why TLS/SSL is not using over HTTP. Other protocols, such as SMTP, POP3, FTP, etc can be used on SSL ports (SMTPS, POP3S, FTPS) for the first way, and the second way is to use STARTTLS option in the current port with the…
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3 answers

Why is port 587 preferred over port 465 in SMTP?

I have recently been developing a C# client which sends emails via a SMTP server. However I have been as to what the different terms ment, like: STARTTLS/TLS/SSL... I had a faint idea of what they ment out of context, but email wise i had no…
Choppa dude
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1 answer

Postfix 3.3.1 on Centos 8 can't enable TLSv1 or TLSv1.1

I recently migrated my main mail server to a new one, the old one had been running for almost 10 years and was the production server for around 20 domains and over 40 mailboxes. Everything went well and the configuration is not that much different…
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Getting postfix to relay SMTP/SSL/TLS to Charter/Spectrum

I'm running Postfix on Debian as an MX for a small LAN and trying to get SMTPS working with over port 587. I followed a few links off google for setting this up along with a post on serverfault with a similar question. I've tried…
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Postfix bounce when unable to validate TLS option

I'm using postfix as mail transfer agent on my mailgateway to send and receive emails. Because I'm communicating with sensitive information I'm using the tls options to validate the receivers mx. He changed his certificate so my tls option in…
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Server 2012 R2 SMTP service not sending mail to non TLS servers

We have SMTP virtual server on server 2012 R2 server. I have configured it to use TLS connection. We do have real sertificate etc. Everything works fine except mail that is going to mail server which do not support TLS connections. Now those…
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1 answer

I'm able send email via Thunderbird, but not via my own app. The email settings are identical

I have my Postfix server. I can send email via it with no problem using Thunderbird. For smtp I have: port - 587 Normal Password STARTTLS However, I can't send an email through the same server via my own app. The settings are these: server:…
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