Questions tagged [sssd]

System Security Services Daemon (SSSD) - This project provides a set of daemons to manage access to remote directories and authentication mechanisms, it provides an NSS and PAM interface toward the system and a pluggable backend system to connect to multiple different account sources. It is also the basis to provide client auditing and policy services for FreeIPA, LDAP, & Active Directory.

327 questions
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ubuntu - sssd - unable to login when system partition is full

we have many ubuntu servers that are joined to active directory using sssd. However, domain users are unable to login when the root partition reaches full capacity. After some research I found the following thread:…
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Superuser unable to change password of user on LDAP server

Just set up an LDAP server (sun) running Ubuntu 20.04 following the guide on Ubuntu Server Docs with TLS enabled with a bunch of users, groups, and automounts in database. Several clients (here: seca) running Ubuntu 20.04 use the server for…
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Failing getent groups fail but getent passwd works

I have an AD server running on server 2019. I just setup a linux box and configured samba for some reason i can't get getent group "domain admins" to show anything. if i do getent passwd Administrator it does work, and wbinfo -u or wbinfo…
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Linux/Ubuntu - Use AD groups in Ansible before the computer is on the domain

TL;DR How do I reference an AD group for folder permissions before my computer has joined the domain? I'm setting up an Ubuntu system to interface with the orgs Active Directory. I've read that private groups on the Linux machine is not the best…
Black Dynamite
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How to prevent other domanin users from accessing users home directory in Ubuntu?

We have linux (Ubuntu) desktops that are join to a domain using SSSD, i want to restrict users from accessing other users home directory and files for old and new users. It is possible set this automatically ?
John T
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Single sign on using SSSD against OpenLDAP server with Kerberos SASL/GSSAPI

Authentication against Kerberos and authorization against an LDAP directory is working for me. Now I'm looking for the client setup on Debian Buster using sssd. I started with LDAP authentication with nss-pam-ldapd using SASL Proxy Authorization on…
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Failure to access AD in Linux EC2

I have a EC2 instance called EC2-B and I configured it to use AD Connector. This is instance is in the VPC B while the AD Connector EC2 is in VPC A. I have another instance EC2-A in the VPC-A and did the configuration as in AWS manual…
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RedHat Linux : Configure both ldap and Kerberos

Our RHEL servers are setup with LDAP and they work just fine. Users are able to login using their credentials just fine. There is one application that needs kerberos. We are trying to get both LDAP and Kerberos to work but it simply does not work.…
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unable to ssh and pwauth using sssd ldap

/etc/sssd/sssd.conf [sssd] config_file_version = 2 services = nss,pam,sudo,ssh domains = local,ldap debug_level = 9 sbus_timeout = 2 reconnection_retries = 3 [nss] #filter_groups = root #filter_users = root #enum_cache_timeout =…
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Linux Mint 18 - AD Users cannot login to GUI

I have installed Linux Mint 18.1 Cinnamon, join in to AD domain (using sssd). I can make su to ad user, and i can login to console with ad users. But when i try logon to GUI, i have message "the system administrator has disabled access to the system…
1 answer

What are the dependencies of sssd/nscd to function?

What are the dependencies of sssd to function as an LDAP-client? What are the dependencies of nscd to function as an LDAP-client? Does sssd need openldap to function as an LDAP-client? Does nscd?
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How to migrate local user settings and files when joining Linux computer to Windows AD domain?

My organization recently set up AD and joined/migrated all of our Windows users. The next step is to join the Linux machines to the domain. How do I do this while providing minimal interruption to the users? I'd prefer to retain or copy home…
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