Questions tagged [ssl-certificate-renewal]

The process of issuing a new certificate with existing public and private keys. Common reasons for this are: extending its validity, changing thumbprint hash algorithm or even changing content (common name (CN) or subject alternative name (SAN)).

28 questions
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Installing SSL certificate on windows server 2008 without removing the old one

I am a newbie in field of SSL certificates. My SSL certificate is expiring and i have received a new certificate from my CA. Currently the option which i have tried out is replacing the old with the new one. However I want to install the new…
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The certificate request was submitted to the online authority, but was not issued. The request was denied

I've a Hyper-V lab with few VMs. I'm trying to renew expired server certificate for one of my virtual machines which is running Windows Server 2019 (version 1809). I'm trying to renew the certificate from IIS: Certificate authority is residing on…
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Postgres SSL server certificate upgrade / renew with openssl

I have inherited a Company Postgres Server with SSL clients. Its around 100 users so far. Two Problems: My Ca Cert (root.crt) expires next year and it seems to be still TlsV1.0. So an upgrade(renew) is urgently needed. What I should avoid is making…
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Backend services root certificate expiration

We are using mTLS for our backend services authentication and the root certificate is set to expire in 2022. Here are the expiration details for all certificates: The root certificate will expire in 2022 The intermediate certificates will expire in…
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curl: (60) SSL certificate : unable to get local issuer certificate - ubuntu

We run the following software versions: Ubuntu 18.04.5 Apache 2.4.29 curl 7.58.0 We run an education application, and as part of this we have numerous APIs which upload files to a third party website from our webserver…
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New SSL Cert now showing up for Postfix in browser (Ubuntu, Namecheap)

I'm a newbie trying to wing it after our Sys Admin left. I needed to update our wildcard certificate and copy it onto our mail server. I renewed the cert at Namecheap, downloaded it, and installed it on our webservers. Everything is showing up fine…
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How to automatically update an SSL certificate on Nginx as it gets renewed?

I have a website hosted on an EC2 instance with Ubuntu and nginx installed. My domain is managed through GoDaddy which is where I also issue the SSL certificate for the domain. Recently I got service disruption as the SSL certificate expired. The…
2 answers

Renew ssl cert but only have private key and fullchain file

Is it possible to renew certs from letsencrypt with just the private key and fullchain file? If not, can one just remove all the letsencrypt files and .well-known directory and apply for new certification using certbot or other programs? Or would I…
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2 answers

SSLProtocol: Illegal protocol 'TLSv1.1' in linux

I know u think this a duplicate question but hear me out first. I am not able to find the answer with a system with same conf as min so here is my server conf: Red Hat 4.1.2-44 CentOS release 5 OpenSSL 1.0.2a Server version: Apache/2.2.3 I am having…
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How to fix LetsEncrypt renewal failing with error "Unable to reach credentials server"?

I have successfully acquired a certificate using Win-Acme installed on Windows Server 2012. The software is setup to renew using the Route53 plugin to automatically verify ownership via DNS. Win-acme does run the renewal task but it fails with an…
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Request a Digicert Secure Site EV SSL certificate from Azure Portal (or PowerShell) for use with Azure Application Gateway/App Services

I'm trying to generate/request a new certificate from Digicert in Azure. I've been instructed to purchase the EV SSL cert from Digicert's Business tier. They call it Secure Site EV SSL, but I don't see where I can specify the certificate type either…
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LetsEncrypt certificate (renewing) installing error

I'm trying to renew my LetsEncrypt certificate on my Raspberry Pi running apache2, but I seem to get an error when CertBot tries to generate the certificate. Expected sha256 a988718abfad80b6b157acce7bf130a30876d27603738ac39f140993246b25b3 …
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Who's right about when to renew Let's Encrypt certificates?

I received the following, sans unsubscribe link: Hello, Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in 1 days (on 14 Aug 16 23:07 +0000). Please make sure to renew your certificate before then, or visitors to your…