Questions tagged [squid]

Squid is a FOSS package licensed under the GNU GPL and is primarily used as a web proxy server and cache.

Squid is a FOSS package licensed under the GNU GPL primarily used as a web proxy server and cache.

In addition to its primary usages for web proyying and caching, it supports FTP and has limited support for several other protocols, including TLS, SSL, HTTPS and Gopher.

It has a wide variety of uses, from speeding up a web server by caching repeated requests (reverse proxy); to caching web, DNS and other computer network lookups for a group of people sharing network resources (regular proxy); to improving security by filtering traffic (layer 7 firewall).

Squid's homepage is here, and its Wikipedia entry is here.

1363 questions
1 answer

Web caching to reduce bandwidth on low speed connections

On my company we have an ISA Server proxy we use to access internet, this server is managed by external administrators and we do not have access to modify its configurations. Lately we have been researching about how we can improve our connection…
1 answer

How to block videos by title on youtube using Squid?

For example,i want to block videos that contain the word "cat" in the title. I also do not want the blocked videos appearing in: -Recommended Channels tab -Recommended/related videos -Search results Basically i am trying to imitate…
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Squid Proxy does not prompt for authentication and denies every request

I have a problem with a squid proxy that always denies requests. The bad part is, i never get to see an authentication pop-up... Squid is running on an Ubuntu 14.04 vserver. I'll provide you my squid.conf: # acls ### local net acl localnet src…
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How can google see my IP address despite squid3 proxy?

I own a dedicated server by running Debian 7. Since I am currently on vacation in Europe and I'm unable to access some services I need due to geographic limitations I wanted to try and set up a personal Squid3 proxy on the…
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2 answers

how to configure iptables to allow access to specific domain through squid proxy on port 3128?

What is wrong with my rules? I have installed squid on my server and i want just some specific domains to be reach able through squid but iptables completely blocked me I have found this : iptables rules to allow HTTP traffic to one domain only , …
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1 answer

How to block magnet links using Squid WEB proxy

I have Squid filtering all my WEB traffic running on port 80, I managed to block all torrent links using this ACL acl mediapr urlpath_regex \.torrent$ but I am not able to block magnet links.
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LightSquid ldap authentication fails

I have a lightsquid server to generate reports about Internet use. It is integrated with LDAP server. I cant login in lightsquid web page. cat /var/log/apache2/error.log Thu Dec 26 13:54:04 2013] [info] [client] [29087] auth_ldap…
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1 answer

How to Setup iptables for a squid proxy with just one HW-NIC

I got a Server with a static ipadress for rent and now i want to setup a transparent proxy on this server. after i configured the squid for testing purposes with the listener "http_access allow all", i wanted to set the iptables. i figured out that…
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Certain URLs (and some content) not being blocked by DansGuardian

In attempting to configure DansGuardian I've had difficulty blocking certain search sites, though it also differs between browsers. I'm using the word "twerk" for testing as there's no instance of it in the bundled DansGuardian lists. I've added the…
1 answer

Squid connection to Failed

trying to set up a Squid transparent proxy. All is good for the transparency, however the proxy occasionally runs into errors such as "connection to Failed" Is this common? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks
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2 answers

Pfsense 1.2.3 transparent proxy not blocking https

I have configure squid in pfsense 1.2.3, and was able to block http sites using a black list, but I was not able to block https sites. Any solutions ?
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1 answer

squid will not listen on specific IP

I have a public subnet with squid installed. Let's say my subnet is from to When I set the following: http_port 50000 http_port it is working. But when I set: http_port it is not working. It is only…
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1 answer

squid proxy - add ip addresses

I have installed squid proxy on my Windows Server 2003, it is working with Please guide me how to: 1) I have assigned ip addresses, how can I add those ip addresses with squid? 2) How can I authenticate by ip address so only few specific…
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2 answers

Squid blocks all traffic

When I try to connect to squid, all traffic is blocked. 1344798323.392 0 TCP_DENIED/403 3631 CONNECT - NONE/- text/html squid.conf cache_mem 64 MB cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid3 100 16 256 #Default: # acl…
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3 answers

Setting up an http proxy to use a web interface?

EDIT (8-23): For clarity I'm looking for an alternative to using web proxy scripts (Glype, PHProxy, etc.) by using proxy software like Squid or Privoxy. I want this new method to operate the same way as a web proxy script, where the user types in a…
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