Questions tagged [sphinxsearch]

41 questions
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Install Sphinxsearch on AWS Elasticbeanstalk

How do I install Sphinx search in an Elasticbeanstalk container so that it is automatically installed anytime the instance restarts?. I tried this container command in my .config of the .ebextensions folder but it did not work. container_commands: …
1 answer

Use in-memory database or search engine for read only to make website faster

I have an application which require doing a lot of queries for every single page which make it slower. I have tried to use cache systems (Redis) but implementation are little bit complicated and will take time as every query depend on a lot of…
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Connect to sphinx on remote server

I recently moved sphinx onto the same server as our db so our architecture is: File Server that hosts our web app DB server w/ Sphinx instance (searchd) When I try to connect to sphinx at I get the following error: Sphinx response…
Eric Uldall
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Sphinx searchd dead but subsys locked

I have configured everything on sphinx. It is working fine in the command-line interface using Putty. Even i can able to search in the Command Line Interface as below, [root@phpsalzer sphinx]# search -i gplay 'toy' Sphinx 2.0.4-id64-release…
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Update sphinx from source after apt-get

I'm running the latest debian as OS. I installed Sphinx using apt-get install sphinxsearch However, I need to communicate with sphinx trough PHP. In order to do so I downloaded the latest Sphinx version to obtain the phpapi. wget…
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Would Sphinx be a good solution to solve server getting bogged with heavy MySQL reads?

I'm working on a site that I believe gets about 70k visits a day and it makes use of a lot of queries which uses UNION's over about 45 different tables, these tables generally range from about 15k rows to about 500k rows in each table. We have…
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Redhat 5 Upgrade / Sphinx Search Init Startup Hangs

I recently upgrade a VM to Redhat 5 and moved Sphinx Search to that server. For some reason when I try to start Sphinx, the startup script fails to push the searchd process to the background. I created a test script with a minimal version of the…
Jon St. John
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Installing sphinx on a web hosting server

I want to install sphinx search on a web-hosting server. I'm on a Linux VPS with hostgator, but I never actually installed anything on a remote server so this will be a first time for me. If there's anyone here who installed sphinx it's really help…
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Thinking Sphinx configuration fails - cannot connect to mysql through socket, despite socket existing!

Setting up a new Rails stack in Ubuntu, including Sphinx. When I run rake ts:conf, I get "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock' (2)" This socket file does exist. Why this is on serverfault: I'm pretty sure…
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In simple language, if I install and use Sphinx (GPLv2) on my co-located server for a commercial LAMP website do I need to buy a license?

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my software licensing question? Do I have to license Sphinx for a commercial website? I don't need to modify the code... just use it with MySQL.
Pete Alvin
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Thinking Sphinx index rebuild error on windows xp: searchd is already running

I have Sphinx installed on windows xp system. A I use Thinking Sphinx plug-in within my rails application. I can't rebuild index with Thinking Sphinx rake task after application server starting up even if I stop it: Stopped search daemon (pid…
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sphinxsearch installed 0.9.9 but came out as sphinx 0.9.8

I tried installing sphinx. I downloaded the 0.9.9 version, but after compiling and installing, it came out as 0.9.8. Anyone has any idea why's this? Thanks!
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Error running multiple instances of sphinx (searchd) on the same box

I have a MediaWiki server that hosts 4 instances of MediaWiki, and figure I should have a separate instance of sphinx search running for each. I did this by creating separate sphinx.conf files for each, and configuring them to run on separate…
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How to add dynamic code/ruby code inside .conf file

I'm using Sphinx search engine for my application, and I would like to add ruby code inside the sphinx.conf file to update some values dynamically based on my application server hostname? Is it possible to execute the ruby code inside sphinx.conf?…
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What must be correct dist_threads in heavy loaded SphinxSearch

We have heavy load sphinx instance. Index is realtime, but we bulk insert data only once a week or so. It runs on dedicated 12 core / 24 thread server. Server have only sphinx installed. Here is snipped of conf file: index data_all { type …
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