Questions tagged [spamd]

spamd is the name of the OpenBSD spam deferral daemon used alongside pf; the spamd tag may be ambiguous, as it could also refer to SpamAssassin's spamd, use the spamassassin tag for SpamAssassin

spamd(8) is the name of the deferral/ daemon used alongside (pf(4)).

It consists of multiple components:

9 questions
2 answers

Mail with DKIM Signature gets T_DKIM_INVALID flag by SpamAssassin

I've installed a Debian (jessie) box with postfix and spamassassin. Configured and everything works fine. Except receiving mails with DKIM signatur will produce a flag T_DKIM_INVALID even if the signature is valid. See log example below. After that,…
High Ball
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1 answer

Is reverse DNS a good method for promoting grey IPs from trusted domains to white?

I'm trying to set up a mail server using OpenBSD, OpenSMTPD, spamd, and pf. The first problem I've encountered is that many large webmail providers - like Gmail - will retry delivery from a different server with a different IP address, making it…
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2 answers

Debugging spamassassin with postfix

I am trying to setup spamassassin milter on my postfix mail server. SpamAssassin Server version 3.4.1 running on Perl 5.20.2 with SSL support (IO::Socket::SSL 2.019) with zlib support (Compress::Zlib 2.064) Postfix mail_version = 2.11.3 When…
Dany Khalife
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0 answers

Setting SpamAssassin's Bayes_path per user and dovecot

I have dovecot, Spamassassin and postfix running. I started to use sa-learn to get better and more precise spam identification and filtering. I have not set the Bayes_path preference on my file, thus when I call sa-learn -u…
2 answers

How to use recipient_delimiter with spamd and dovecot?

I want to use recipient_delimiter to allow addresses like user+anything@domain in a setup involving spamd and dovecot. I had a setup like this in the past with just using postfix, but with my setup using spamd and dovecot deliver it does not work…
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1 answer

Spamassassin error: spamd.sock does not exist

I am following a guide from arstechnica to install an email server on my web server. I'm not using Ubuntu as stated in the tutorial but CentOS…
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0 answers

Mysterious/Unknown IPs keep getting whitelisted by spamd

I have an OpenBSD 7.1 mail server running OpenSMTPD with spamd. I notice mysterious IP addresses in /var/log/maillog, such as: smtp connected address= These IPs keep getting whitelisted in the…
Joe Blough
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1 answer

spamd with postfix: check spam from webmail/localhost

I didn't find any way to set postfix with spamd to check outgoing email from webmail/localhost for attempt to ward off possible spam.
Pol Hallen
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0 answers

Postfix configuration with Dovecot, SpamAssasin default values not working

I got the below log when receiving the mail Fri Oct 22 19:06:24 2021 [3327677] info: spamd: connection from ::1 [::1]:41218 to port 783, fd 5 Fri Oct 22 19:06:24 2021 [3327677] info: spamd: using default config for…