Questions tagged [spam-marked]

This tag is about outgoing email being tagged as spam. Please read the canonical questions given in the full tag wiki before using it.

This tag is about outgoing email being tagged as spam. Please read these canonical questions:

How to send emails and avoid them being classified as spam?
Prevent mail being marked as spam

24 questions
1 answer

Repairing e-mail "domain reputation" on google?

Google's gmail has recently started marking all mail from domain (real domain name is hidden) as spam, with grey-box explanation of: "Why is this message in spam? Lots of messages from were identified as spam in the…
Matija Nalis
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3 answers

Gmail and other private servers mark legitimate email as SPAM

The mail server configuration is driving me crazy. Emails sent from my own private server are being banned, again by Gmail and other private servers. I checked gmail headers and SPF, DKIM and DMARC pass the exam. Attached the headers of a blocked…
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0 answers

Combating a persistent spam list

We use Office 365 as our primary mail provider. We have an internal mail server that we use for relaying things like reports from our SSRS, scan to inbox for old scanners, etc. It is an IIS SMTP on server 2008R2. This server is not exposed through…
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1 answer

Gmail detects emails as spam from domain with neutral reputation

I have a new domain and mail-in-a-box server set up correctly. Unfortunately, when sending to Gmail, it treats emails from my domain a a spam. The domain is not blacklisted and DNS settings are also correct. I checked it using…
2 answers

Prevent using spam trap e-mail address on registration

I am running a website where the users register using their e-mail addresses and receive a confirmation code before they can log in. (After this every contact is opt-in.) Every now and then some user uses an e-mail address that does not belong to…
Gábor Héja
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0 answers

Yahoo dkim=permerror (bad sig), gmail dkim=fail

We are using postfix(with opendkim) to send registration information from our site. When the information sent to gmail it goes to inbox but it shows dkim=fail and in Yahoo it always goes to spam with dkim=permerror (bad sig) I have checked the…
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Why is my email being marked SPAM by gmail?

I'm running my own mail server in a VPS using iRedMail. I followed all the steps to get a good mail record like setting SPF, DKIM and SMARC values. When I try to send to my gmail account '', Gmail accounts the email as a…
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1 answer

Please help in configuring Sendgrid and HostGator mx records

I am trying to send emails through Sendgrid SMTP and unfortunately, all emails were landing to spam. Upon checking from service, I got to know an error message that "You are not allowed to use one of your sender email addresses" with…
1 answer

How to configure an email server so that outgoing emails are not classified as spam

How to configure an email server so that outgoing emails are not classified as spam? I've spent the entire day on this and I'm puzzled by the results I'm getting. Among other things, I have: Added DNS record for SPF: v=spf1 mx a ptr…
Atte Juvonen
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1 answer

Why is my mail blocked by Gmail (Marked as spam)

Three days ago I have installed CentOS with Directadmin what I've received from TransIP. The mailserver is now working, configured DKIM, SPF, DMARC etc. There is only one problem... mailproviders like Gmail and Hotmail are still blocking my…
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1 answer

How to prevent email forwarded by exim from being seen as spam

I have recently started to look after a mail system where users can host their email with a web mail front end. One of the features provided is a function to set up forwarding. The problem I am facing, and which people before me have faced, is that…
0 answers

Spamassassin keeps marking as spam despite low score

I have postfix with Spamassassin and spamass-milter configured. E-mails with score higher than 4.0 are supposed to be treated as a spam and be rejected. Here is my local.conf rewrite_header Subject ***** SPAM _SCORE_ ***** report_safe …
1 answer

Legitimate emails FilteredAsSpam

Freshdesk is sending emails directly (authenticated via SPF) to Office 365 mailboxes but they are consistently being delivered to the junk folder for all recipients. The following are the authentication results from the headers of a test / example…
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1 answer

Google blacklist removal

One of the email accounts on my Debian server has been compromised (too weak password set by a client) and it was sending countless spam messages over three days. Once I've found out that out (, I've changed the password and the spam is not being…
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1 answer

Emails still going to Gmail & Hotmail spam after removing host from several blacklists

As I mentioned briefly in the subject the IP address of our mail server got blacklisted a while ago. One of the sites on the server got hacked, which resulted in the addition to a couple of blacklists. The hacked site got repaired. In the meanwhile…
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