Questions tagged [sonarqube]

SonarQube is the open source platform, to continuously inspect code quality of applications. It allows developers to detect bugs and vulnerabilities as well as to decrease code smells, in more than 20 different languages.

15 questions
1 answer

SonarQube add corporate root CA

Good day everyone ! I have a simple problem, yet, not able to fix it. May I just need more coffee... Most probably... Anyway... I am using the official Docker images for SonarQube and need to connect Sonar to my auth server. That auth server can be…
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nginx reverse proxy doing loop, how to configure sonarqube https reverse proxy correctly?

I am encountering trouble with NGINX doing the HTTPS reverse proxy to sonarqube. Issue is caused by proxy_set_header Host $host, when it set, I keep getting redirected in loop. When not set, I get redirected to the intranet IP, resulting in DNS…
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SonarQube Fails to Start When Upgrading to PostgreSQL10

I upgraded from Sonarqube 6.7 to 7.8 successfully. When I upgrade my database version from Postgres 9.6.9 to 9.6.11 it works great. I have attempted this upgrade multiple times on multiple version of SonarQube 7.x. I have tried upgrading to the…
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SonarQube 7.7 Does not start on CentOS Linux

Title says everything. Same error happens with SonarQube 6.7.7 LTS but I write only 7.7 issues here. I have no version restriction which I should use. I downloaded SonarQube 7.7 from your website. Configured limits as following: # cat…
Gabor Garami
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Sonarqube Github authentication plugin is not recognizing organisation

I'm using the Sonarqube github authentication plugin. I want to make it so that only users in my Github organisation can sign up. It does not appear to work because even users that are in my organisation are blocked with the reason: Reason:…
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How to get list of admin users from projects in sonarqube, using API?

How to get projects having admin users or list of them if multiple admin users on them using API? I tried few links, but not working. sonarqube version 8.9, I am using.
Sara June
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SonarQube 7.1 - Debian installation- connection refused

I'm having trouble with first run of a SonarQube 7.1. I still have an error in logs as below: ./ console org.elasticsearch.transport.ConnectTransportException: [][] connect_timeout[30s] at…
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Sonarqube LDAP authentication fails

I'm trying to install sonarqube 7.7 with ldap authentication against an active directory server and I can't get it to work. I copied over the settings from another server that runs on the same host, and its ldap settings work. This is my current…
1 answer

Unable to reach Azure virtual machine on port 9000 for Sonarqube installation

I'm trying to install sonarqube@7.3 with postgresql on a Debian 9 Stretch virtual machine hosted with Microsoft Azure. Everything works properly except that I can't browse with my real physical machine at Any…
1 answer

How do you get SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins to use a web proxy?

Before you leap to answer: This is about the plug-in in the Jenkins Web UI. I have the proxy working for sonar-scanner in my pipelines. I need a fix for the plug-in in the web UI. I'm getting blank pages in the Jenkins web UI on projects and builds…
Alain O'Dea
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Authentication to SonarQube with Azure AD

I have a taks to implement authentication to SonarQube with SAML from Azure AD We are using SonarQube 8.9.6 LTS with openjdk 11.0.14 OpenJDK Runtime Environment build 11.0.14+9 on Ubuntu 20.04. I've set the paramaters from Azure (application ID,…
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How to generate sonar report with sonarqube version Which plugin i need to install for that?

How to generate sonar report with sonarqube version Which plugin i need to install for that? I installed CNES Report .jar plugin to generate sonar report but this plugin(CNES) not supporting could you please help how to generate…
0 answers

Jenkins pipeline to call SonarQube code coverage for node.js project

I am trying to do code coverage for node js project via Jenkins, I’ve one doubt that where to add the “” file, it in root repository that means in sonar-scanner installed repository or in the jenkins path i.e.…
1 answer

Not enough workers when trying to access a site with NGINX

I am trying to create a Sonarqube in a Ubuntu virtual machine with Vagrant and using Nginx. I have followed all the steps but when I try to access I get a 502 BadGateway and checking the logs I get the following: 2020/01/29 18:44:05 [alert]…
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How to use SonarSwift(Sonarqube) plugin in Jenkins in Ubuntu 16.04?

I have installed lizard but I'm getting this error when I build my job in Jenkins: 11:00:22.363 ERROR - Lizard Report not found /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/xxxxxxxx/sonar-reports/lizard-report.xml…
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