Questions tagged [solaris-11]

64-bit SPARC/x86 UNIX-based Operating System from Oracle

64-bit SPARC/x86 UNIX-based Operating System from Oracle.

Large differences from Solaris-10, including

  • Software installed via Image Packaging System (IPS) instead of traditional "pkg"
  • Many text-based configuration files are now (re-)generated when commands (eg: dladm & ipadm) are ran.
  • UEFI Boot support (as of 11.1)
  • No 32-bit CPUs supported (UltraSPARC II, III, IV & IA-32)

Topics For this tag should include (but not limited to);

  • UEFI booting
  • Commands with new options not supported in Solaris-10 (eg: dladm, zoneadm)
  • Commands that only exist in Solaris-11 (eg: ipadm)
69 questions
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Adding a driver from a p5p package during Solaris 11.4 installation

I'm trying to install Solaris x86 11.4 on a machine that requires an additional driver to access its drives. The driver is provided in a p5p-package and I have tried adding the driver before starting the installation using ddu-text. This does not…
Andreas Rogge
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How to read Solaris 11 drive using an OmniOS server

I have a drive which was originally in a Solaris 11 server. The Solaris 11 server is not available. I would like to access the data using the OmniOS server. Is this possible? I have read there is a lack of compatibility between Solaris 11 ZFS and…
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solaris zone migration - zoneadm attach failed on solaris 11

I'm trying to attach a solaris 10 non-global whole root zone (global zone solaris 10) to a solaris 11 global zone, but the zoneadm attach failed with below error. root@Globalzone:~#zoneadm -z nonglobalzone attach -a /ngzone1.v1.zfs.gz …
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LDD cannot find library on sol11_64 bit

We have been compiling with gcc successfully on Solaris 10. Now we are porting to 64-bit on Solaris 11 (sol11_64). We use a library developed in house called MSP and use -wl,rpath (equivalent to -R... also tried with -R) during compile to specify…
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1 answer

How to disable systat on Solaris 10 & 11

According to the Solaris server remediations listed in Solaris for ISPs Administration Guide, I want to disable systat on Solaris 10 and 11. Is there any command to disable systat in Solaris 10 and 11 via Command Line?
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Sendmail doesn't seemto be reading the virtusertable on Solaris 11

I'm on Solaris 5.11 running sendmail. Local usernames are of the form (e.g. hn06511). In the past we used aliases to make point to Now there's a new email address…
2 answers

Increase rpool size on Solaris 11.3 ESXi Virtual Machine

I'm trying to run updates on my Solaris 11.3 server but I am unable to because there isn't enough space on my rpool. I've tried deleting log files and other useless stuff but it's not enough. Therefore, I need to extend the size of rpool. My…
1 answer

Making NWAM go away in Solaris 11.3

In configuring a Solaris server I generally want to configure networking manually via dladm and ipadm, as opposed to using NWAM (Network AutoMagic.) I came to learn in Solaris 11.0 that it was important to ensure NWAM was fully disabled if it wasn't…
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snoop: cannot open "vnet0": Permission denied

Getting the error when tried to take a capture on a solaris machine. I have tried to run the snoop command $ /usr/sbin/snoop -o file.pcap snoop: cannot open "vnet0": Permission denied $ uname -a SunOS sdp-2 5.10 Generic_150400-12 sun4v sparc…
2 answers

How to configure host only adapter for solaris 11 guest in virtualbox

Usually when I create a new Linux VM I enable 2 adapters in the virtual machine, the first one connected to NAT (for the internet), and the second to the Host Only Network adapter so I can ssh to the VM. In the OS I usually leave them both as…
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Solaris 11 / OpenSolaris - stop processes from listening?

I would like to write a script to secure Solaris 11 servers in preparation for internet access. In addition to enabling ipfilter, I would like to disable network-accessible services that are not used. This should reduce the number of processes shown…
700 Software
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Connection Timeout Issues - Solaris 11 SPARC

We're currently running some performance tests using Solaris 11 (SPARC) on some large hardware. The tests, which consist of sending SOAP requests (50kb per request), are running well up until we get into the multiple of thousands of users i.e…
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2 answers

Solaris 11.1 in boot loop

Oracle support had me delete the Intel IXGBE driver (/kernel/drv/amd64/ixgbe) and replace it with a Debug Driver to test something. I did this and then rebooted and am now stuck in a boot loop. Right before it crashes, I see the image below on the…
Copy Run Start
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1 answer

Install PAR packer in solaris 11

Installing par packer in solaris 11 is throwing following error. i had used perlgcc but didnt help Has anyone faced the similar issue? How can i install it successfully # perlgcc Makefile.PL # make Skip blib/lib/PAR/ (unchanged) Skip…
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2 answers

Solaris 11 nsswitch.conf messed up, need to edit it from an alternate kernel

Ok, so I was editing the name-service/switch service and messed up my nsswitch.conf, I overwrote the "passwd = files" with "passwd = filesasdf" so now I can't auth to the server when I boot that kernel. I can however just boot to the default Solaris…
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